Thursday, August 31, 2006
my first You Tube video... yikes
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Way Back Wednesday...ehk I smiled

The last in-tact photo from my wedding. It was put into this family book I was making well before the separation and subsequent divorce, and as such left the house with me before my ex-wife ripped each and every one of our photos to shreads (and left them for me with a 6 page handwritten note). Honestly I do not blame her (don't get me wrong I was never unfaithful with man or woman) but that's another post. The old man to my left is the miserable piece of shite known as Nono Farina. Horrible man, no I mean it, about as evil as a human being can be and still remain mortal. I guess I should be a bit more sympathetic. He grew up during the depression, his mother hacked his father to death with a hatchet when he was 6 (no really she did, read this post all about it). I am not sympathetic however, this guy was bad news, and it's kind of funny how it really comes through in this pic. Oh and if you are wondering what the pen marks through my ex wife's face are, well lets just say my older son liked to play with photo albums when mommy and daddy were not looking.. :)

here we are less than a year (she was three months pregnant in that wedding pic above) later with my first born Stevie... That's Grammy and Nono Bianco (To differentiate him from Nono Monster mentioned earlier in this post). Yea ok my grandfather was a business man in the Tobacco Industry and so that is a Marlboro shirt I am wearing...

That's about it for today... I have a cheesecake to make tonight for this girl I work with. I am sooo going to miss her. We are having a Pot-Luck thing tomorrow, and I was told what to make (not asked like everyone else). What can I say, I am the cheesecakemeister.

S1 163
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
U.S. waistlines continue to grow


WASHINGTON (AP) -- The gravy train -- make that the sausage, biscuits and gravy train -- just kept on rolling in most of America last year, with 31 states showing an increase in obesity.

Mississippi continued to lead the way. An estimated 29.5 percent of adults there are considered obese. That is an increase of 1.1 percentage points when compared with last year's report, which is compiled by Trust for America's Health, an advocacy group that promotes increased funding for public health programs.

Meanwhile, Colorado remains the leanest state. About 16.9 percent of its adults are considered obese. That mark was also up slightly from last year's report, but not enough to be considered statistically significant.

The only state that experienced a decrease in the percentage of obese adults last year was Nevada.

"Quick fixes and limited government programs have failed to stem the tide," said Dr. Jeff Levi, executive director of the trust, in explaining the rise.

Health officials warn that the incidence of obesity in a particular state doesn't mean it treats the issue less seriously than others. States have different challenges to contend with when it comes to obesity, said Dr. Janet Collins of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"Populations are not equal in terms of experiencing these health problems," Collins said. "Low-income populations tend to experience all the health problems we worry about at greater rates."

Thank you CNN (read the full article here)

(what is that exactly the man pictured above is getting into? A trailer? Who knew!


Thanks so much CNN for pointing out we (as a nation) are perhaps indulging a bit too much in the Ice Cream and McDonald's department. Perhaps it's a depression thing, after all you never seem to fall short of pointing out the incredibly sad situation in the middle east.

Ohhh...and guess who's birthday it is?

Happy 48th Birthday Michael!
I like to remember a time (I was very young) when Michael was somebody kids (like me) looked up to. Damn he was big back then, what the hell happened? While the guy has some serious issues these days (or so we are lead to believe by money hungry trash and the media which can't help but bring their "claims" to our attention), I won't forget who he was back then. I used to have this Vinyl extended mix when I was 10... I danced all over my room, even knocking stuff over. I don't think some of the younger people of today (under 25) even realize how incredibly big he was, bigger than Elvis. What went wrong...?

I think this French Kid pretty much illustrates my point. Watch the whole thing.


Monday, August 28, 2006

Got a new IPOD today... :)
blah blah blah....
Here I sit, on my day off accomplishing nothing except a battle to the death with Dreamweaver. It's not the blog I'm trying to revamp, it's one of my genealogy sites. I'm one of those people who has difficulty following instructions and has to learn everything by trial and error. It's definitely a problem. I have been up since 4AM working on my site, just finished a viable template and can't for the life of me figure out how to make it live. All of my connection (FTP) info works beautifully, it's just the files never appear on my server and (naturally) the same old primitive pages that I have re-designed appear. Here it is 1pm now, I have to meet my Aunt and Gram at 3, and have nothing to show for 9 hours worth of work. Not to mention my condo is a stye.

The weekend went well, the weather was decent enough down in Rhode Island. My step-father had a huge party, my cheesecake was a success. Actually I burned the first attempt, and as a result didn't leave this last one in enough and it was underdone (I can't win). They devoured it in any case. My son DJ'd the party (along with a cousin) and got rave reviews. He's one of those kids that when you give him a project, he puts everything he has into it. I mean he wouldn't even eat until after it was over.

I'm really feeling unmotivated to blog lately, I don't know what it is. It's been over a year now and maybe I've exhausted my creative resources. Maybe I just have a dull life these days, ahhh or better yet, it might be that I'm getting lazy. I have to work on that.

I feel like I'm in rut actually. I'm getting older, still single, drinking (yea still) a bit too much and sitting at this pc pretty much all of my free time. The next month is going to pick up considerably, two shows and a play with my son, plus that 3 week fair in September (The Big E) I have a booth at. Hope everyone is having an exiting monday... :)


This clip made me feel better :)
(Persian Hawtness comes before talent I say)

"there's only one Persian MJ baby..."

Friday, August 25, 2006

off to Rhode Island after work tonight to celebrate my step-father's birthday with my family. My sons are already there with mom. God I hate that 2 hour drive. Hopefully the weather holds up. Tomorrow night they are having some huge barbeque and I was supposed to make a cheescake. Well, I screwed up and the crust burned. It's all a learning experince, less butter next time and never ever try to do 2 (or 4) cakes at once. I tried a piece anyway (well since I obviously wasn't bringing that one down) oh man it was amazing.
So the bosses nephew made yesterday his last day. I have to say I am kind of sorry to see him go. He made me laugh, and well definitely livened up the department. Who knew we would get along so well when he first started in this department? He decided to take what's left of the summer off. Good for him (I wish I could do that hehe).
So I am totally alone today, my boss is out and as I said the kid "quit" yesterday. It's kind of slow here .. Friday's usually are. I guess I don't have much to else to report.
So here are some fun
(and somewhat interesting) factoids:

Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning

Walt Disney was afraid of mice.

The inventor of the flushing toilet was Thomas Crapper.

The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.

Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people do.

During World War II, IBM built the computers the Nazis used
to manage their death/concentration camps.

The number of people alive on earth right now is higher
than the number of all the people that have died. Ever.

Men can breastfeed babies

There is a rare condition called Exploding Head Syndrome
which you have probably never heard of.

Honey is the only food that does not spoil. Honey found in the tombs of
Egyptian pharaohs has been tasted by archaeologists and found edible.

The Population of the world can live within the state boundaries of Texas.

Plastic lawn flamingos outnumber real flamingos in the U.S.A.

Tourists visiting Iceland should know that
tipping at a restaurant is considered an insult!

The green stuff on the occasional freak potato chip is chlorophyll.
2,500 lefties die each year using products designed for rightists.

Napoleon was terrified of cats.

Russia has the most movie theaters in the world.

The stall closest to the door in a bathroom is the cleanest, because it is the least used.

If you put a raisin in a glass of champagne,
it will keep floating to the top and sinking to the bottom.

Nondairy creamer is flammable.

It's rumored that sucking on a copper penny
will cause a breathalyzer to read 0.
Mr. Rosenberg is selling some lawn and garden items. He places an add which is answered by an older gentlemen who has a bit of an attitude even before having a round with crazy Sol. It's pretty funny how frustrated the old codger gets.
S1 161
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Higher standards my ass, someday someone is going to prove this thieving institution the goddamn fraud that it is. They have this very clever method of stealing from their customers. Let me explain. How do they do this you ask? They manipulate transactions in order to charge you ridiculous overdraft fees. This is my most recent experience with them. I charged 3 times two weeks ago in one day. $21, $5.82 and $4.77 (a total of $31.59) I had $52 in my account. They cleared and were reflected in my balance both online and when I called. This left me a balance of $20.41. Two (business) days later the exercise Ball people tried to bill me for some DVD I did not authorize in the amount of $29.00. Let me remind you this is two days AFTER the other items were charged and cleared. Bank of America pushed through the $29.00 and THEN refuckingsubmitted the other three that had cleared, charging me a $34 overdraft charge for each of the 4 transactions! They charged me $136 in fees!!! They did the same shady shit to me a year ago (and I blogged about it). The scenario is always the same. I have been checking online and hundreds of other people are experiencing the same situations. So I called them up, maybe I was a bit more rude than I should have been but still! They gave me this speal about how their clearance system works. I know how their "system" works and this week I am changing banks. end.of.rant

Happy HNT

S1 161
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

ok so Ian McKellan is pretty much one of the most diverse and talented actors of all time. I re-watched Apt Pupil last night. (I've owned the DVD since like 2000) If you haven't seen it, make sure you do. It is disturbing and creepy but never the less a riveting film. Brad Renfro is a plus. In any case.. I have been working on the blog all night to get the template where I wanted, it's still a work in progress, would love to hear about any quirks.

Das ist Berlin

S1 161
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

you will always be in my thoughts.
Gospel Ship

Yikes I've been neglecting my blog of late. I don't think I have ever gone this long without a post. It just seems like life has been super busy lately and well, I've been working on a couple projects. The biggest of which is a huge database I am compiling for one of my genealogy sites. It is essentially every family that lived in this small Sicilian town from about 1530 to 1905. You can imagine the scope of such an undertaking, but luckily I have copied and scanned the records (something like 50 volumes) over the past few years and there are a few other volunteers.
I had the kids overnight this past weekend. We saw Talladega Nights Saturday

I don't really like or enjoy watching Will Farrell (or Robin Williams, Jim Carey, Jack Black etc etc etc .. you get the idea) but I laughed my butt off. I was really surprised, even more so because I had no idea Sacha Cohen (Ali G) was in it. He doesn't look so well, I wonder if he is sick or something. I think it was more the supporting cast than Will which did it for me, I know many people will look at the trailer and think the worst, but seriously .. it was hysterical.


Where is everyone going? The blogging world is losing so many of my favorite people. I guess the time probably comes for everyone to stop eventually, but never the less it's kind of shocking when people you follow every day decide to call it quits. I recently decided rather than give up completely I would just blog when I got the chance instead of making it a routine every single morning as I have in the past. It's working pretty well so far.


I had yesterday off from work (and the next two Monday's as well .. using up vacation days before September 1st when they renew) I picked up the kids and went to mom's to do laundry. Jesus I had tons to do (it's been maybe two months), luckily I have way too many clothes and never ran out of something to wear. I hate the situation when you live in a condo or apartment and can't just do laundry whenever you like. I mean the (community) machines downstairs are a royal pain (and kind of gross) and it is equally inconvenient to drive the 20-30 minutes to Mom's or Aunt's to use theirs. When I had my house (last year) this was never a problem, and I had big ass machines too (left over from when I was married, Mom bought us the largest available because we had small children, you could do like 20 towels in one load) .


Tori Tuesday..

it's been a while since I've participated in this theme day. I'm running late right now (what else is knew) so I am throwing up one of my favorite tracks off Boys For Pele (her third official release). I think it's appropriate for the current time & situation. An amazingly well written masterpiece...

Muhammad my friend


S1 160

Thursday, August 17, 2006

now don't we all feel like jackasses.


I can't even imagine what these people went through, losing a child so tragically and then being unjustly accused of killing her. Now John Ramsey is alone, Patsy having succumbed to ovarian cancer this past June, I hope to god he is taking some sort of solace in this belated "vindication". My heart goes out to him on so many levels.


now to deal with this monster....

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Everyday should be a holiday...
this song made me smile this morning on my way in to work. Yesterday tickets went on sale (Jack's Mannequin) and I snagged 2 for the September 2nd Hartford show, so I can take my younger son. The Hush Sound is the headliner, I can't wait.
ok so driving into work today I saw something very interesting. There had been some sort of accident (on the other side of Rte 91 just outside Springfield before the 391 Merge). Not only was there a cruiser pulled over behind the unfortunate parties BUT this big ass Insurance Adjuster van, with some cheesy logo on the side. Is this a sign of what is to come? When you get in an accident you call not only the police, but your insurance company and the two arrive within minutes of one another? Hm.... the times, they are a changin' I guess.
Shite! I forgot it's Way back Wednesday.. I'm so not prepared.. well here's a picture of Great Grandmother Giuseppa Marciano (1889-1947) from her 1920 Passport..

would you believe she was only 31 in that photo? Evidently the life of la sicilianu back then was rough. She was coming to America to marry her 1st cousin Antonino (her father and his mother were full siblings). What is even more bizarre is that Giuseppa herself was the product of First cousins, which were related to her future husband yet again in another way. Jeesh...and it's a wonder my grandmother came out with two arms and two legs, although she was like 4' 11 and riddled with medical problems her entire life. Plus she was a strega from hell. Opps, never speak ill of the dead. I can envision it, she's so up there (or maybe down there given her sordid past) giving me the Mal'òcchiu (sicilian evil eye curse).


S1 161

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

so I finally got around to doing that stupid ridiculous annual car inspection thingy Massachusetts requires it's residents to adhere to. I have been putting it off, as the $29 fee has not been in my budget of late. My old sticker expired in May, and if they pull you over, it's an automatic $50. fine (plus of course you still have to get the damn sticker anyway..) So I needed to use some of my vacation days before September 1st when they renew and yesterday seemed like the perfect opportunity to get it done. I am always terrible about it (like regular oil changes) I remember one time, I actually made it 16 months without going to get my car inspected! I managed to skip a whole year! It's not like I was worried, my car is only a year old and it took the guy 10 minutes to do it, but still. It's an inconvenience because the lines are nearly always long and the wait an hour or more. I went in at 8AM, there were two of us in line, not so bad. If I had to go after work forget it.


I cleaned like a fiend yesterday (it's about freeking time) and have to say I feel somehow much better today because of it. There is something about a freshly cleaned spotless environment which lends itself to a positive mood (not that I am jumping up and down positive, but it's something for now). I dunno, at least for me that's the case. Now to keep up with it so this doesn't happen again (easier said than done).


So we saw Pulse Sunday, it was bearable. No, actually it was cheesy as hell, there I said it. Ridiculous storyline, I know it's fantastical Hollywood but still, ghosts taking over the world via the Internet and Cell Phone towers? Don't waste your money, rent it if you insist. The only positive thing I can say is that it was very short and well.. had a very interesting cast like (for example) Ian Somerhalder....


I don't know what it is lately but (apart from the weekends) I am feeling completely isolated and kind of down. I don't even have the urge to go online (apart from the research I'm doing to pass the time). There seems to be a thousand things on my mind which are all serving to bring me into this sad place. I'm not even blogging daily as I usually do because I'd rather throw in a DVD and drift off somewhere. This summer has passed very quickly (the brisk morning air a clear indication fall will soon arrive) and I can't help but feel I haven't done a damn thing except eat, sleep, go to work and sit in front of this PC. I have hardly even been running since I hurt my leg a couple months ago (maybe it's more like a few months at this point). I need motivation.


oh and the dating thing, needless to say I'm not much into that either. I swear I am going to wake up someday old and lonely and ask "Where did all the time go?" Tick-Tock...


a special thanks to my friend who sent me this hysterical shite..


S5 160

Sunday, August 13, 2006

hm...why am I having the worst time making up my mind? I think we are leaning toward Pulse, but The Descent got very good reviews. I can't remember the last time two excellent horror flics were out at the same time that we actually wanted to see.
The only drawback for me is that The Descent reminds me for some reason of this god-awful flic I bought on On Demand called The Cave ..
Well I am still at it (day 3 in fact) things are looking very good.
I find that distracting myself with projects help the most, and you would not believe how I am doing it this time. So many of you know I am into genealogy .. well that's definitely an understatement. I have a couple genealogy sites and am pretty much the one anyone in my family or circle of friends turn to when they need help. I love it, there is some kind of bizarre rush in uncovering pieces of your ancestral past (whether what you find makes you smile or gasp in horror). I've been at it since before I was old enough to drive (hell even before Jr High). I can remember sitting there at age 11 or 12 with a tape recorder drilling my poor nearly senile 85 year old great grandmother for details on her life and family. I remember the most exiting part was her telling me about the arrival (in New York) of the Titanic victims. She was staying with an Aunt at the time (she was 14 at the time of the sinking) and they all ran down to the pier and watched (as best they could) the people coming in. I mean how fascinating is that?
Anyway, I have been diving in (to genealogy) head first lately to pass the time and currently am extracting into an Excel database the baptisms & marriages from the church records of the Sicilian village (just outside Palermo) where my biological grandmother was born. I have copied the records (thanks to the LDS church) from 1527-1905 and am hoping by putting all the families in a database through extraction (they are in Latin which I thankfully can decipher pretty well) I may share this with others researching this town and find relationships. I already have about 15 cousins worldwide thanks to this endeavor. Here is what one of the records look like:

It is a marriage record for Gaspare LaLamia to Lauria Manfre, 20 April 1655
Oh well, you get the idea, 400 years of records to extract can keep a guy busy. I'm not saying I will do the whole stretch at once, but it's a constructive way to spend my evenings (I think anyway), plus I really enjoy working on this project. Too many people dismiss genealogy as a boring endeavor, trust me, it's soooo not. Every piece of the puzzle you uncover leads to another. In the end, it reads like a Saga of Hollywood proportion (ok maybe that's a bit dramatic, but still!)
I can't believe I am up this early and already drinking coffee, I mean it's Sunday and I don't get the kids for another 4 hours. I am going back to bed for a bit. Hope everyone has a happy and safe rest of the weekend. I know I (we) will...
S3 159
Friday, August 11, 2006

feeling a little embarrassed about yesterday's post, almost took it down but decided against it. I can play that clip whenever I want to hear how much of a dork I am when drinking. I'm not going to say much else about it except, here we go again, Day 1 . Let the countdown begin.

Damn this week flew by (of course having Monday off helped a bit) today should be pretty kool at work, it's just me and my sidekick (the nephew). My boss has taken every Friday off until Mid-September to use up his remaining vacation days, not a bad idea I guess. Things are getting a little strange at work, I mean it looks like my company might be having some serious money issues, we closed 2 of our remote warehouses in the past month and had major layoffs of late. Given there are four people in my department (IT) and three shifts, and also given that I've been there longer than all of them (yikes) I am relatively secure I am not going anywhere. But still... it's kinda scary when the company starts making serious cutbacks and they keep the reasons from everyone except the highest of management. I only heard about the issues because one of the DM's likes to talk a bit when out in a social atmosphere and after a few.
I know this will be overkill in the blogger world but jeeeesh, what about the recent "foiled" terrorist attempts out of London? If what they are telling us is in fact true (I have serious doubts these days about what is in fact the complete truth and what shit the media puts out there to brainwash and scare the living hell out of us, call me a paranoid freak but still...) that is some frightening shite. I was just there this past December, security was a breeze (unlike 2 years before in Rome where I was practically de-clothed in front of dozens of gawking onlookers - maybe I look suspicious I dunno). In any case, if everything is true.. my hat goes off to the UK for a horrific disaster well foiled! From what I understand many of the conspirators were native born Brits, how is that for frightening?
My jaw hurts this morning. When I drink, I grind my teeth, really badly. I believe it's because I have some wild ass nightmares, some details I remember, some I do not. All I know is that I have vivid, creepy nightmares. Strangely this doesn't happen when I go to sleep sober. Yet another reason to stop drinking (as if I need one).
Got my 40G Ipod charging so that I can take a long ass walk tonight when I get home from work. I've been filling it up lately and as of right now have 2,126 mp3's. I have to get tweaking because there are a few duplicates, and I want to make a new playlist or two.
today's clip is from The Touchtone Terrorists, and is pretty funny (well I think so anyway). Jack Torz has placed an add in a local newspaper that he is selling his spider monkey. An unsuspecting (aren't they always) gentleman phones him up to inquire, and well, it's pretty obvious Jack shouldn't own a Monkey, or for that matter any pet. Have a listen, you are bound to at least crack a smile. Have a great Friday everyone! Here is da clip:
Laters :)
S1 164
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Here we go again...


Things have been getting pretty messed up of late, I guess it's something like a snowball rolling down a white winter hill. Ok so that might not have been the best analogy, essentially things weren't so great a couple months ago, and now they are. I started drinking again. Truthfully I am buzzed right now, and soon to be completely blitzed. I had some setbacks, I started back with some "bad habits" and well, enough is enough. I need to stop drinking and have designated tomorrow as the day. Tomorrow I will begin again, much like I did a year ago, when I created my original blog (dryfreelean). I'll start counting down before. I've made an audio post. Click and listen if you get the chance.


Persian Guy's blitzed Audio Post


Laters :)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006
My Ipod Collection (sans the Blue Mini & Shuffle I gave to my sons)
So I have this friend, who is (among other duties) in charge of The Lost & Found for a major rental organization. People often (unbelievably) abandon things. They don't respond to emails, voice mails and well everything a company can do (even a 3 month wait). Well "officially" it's the dumpster for their poor orphaned objects, my friend always manages to find a home for the more desirable of these neglected treasures (my younger son has recently acquired a brand new PSP with three games and two memory cards because of such a placement).
The inspiration for this post was the recent (just now) acquisition of a 4G Nano.
anyway... my ankle "injury" doesn't appear to be anything serious. Not even a twinge of pain all day. I suppose it might be because (unlike my last ankle injury, when I continued running the 4 miles despite the pain) I have been careful and have been taking it easy. Kids, pay attention, your body does actually start falling apart when you hit 30!
Ok so about my date the other night, it was ok. We talked for about an hour, grabbed a couple ice coffees, went for a walk (he said my pace was a little much to keep up with but the walk was pleasant enough) and then came back here and talked some more. He is in his 2nd year of recovery from both Alcohol (he was formerly a bartender) and substance abuse (he's done every drug in the book) and offered to take me to this local Gay AA meeting Friday. We'll see. I think I like him more as a friend than anything, but something tells me he is working toward something more.
Anyone remember the owner's nephew I'm working with? Well, in the last couple months that kid has livened up my department soooo much. We get along incredibly well (he's actually almost about as crazy as I am) He makes me laugh to the point where I almost fall off my chair (to the dismay of our common co-worker, my boss). I am really going to miss him when he starts college (in 3 weeks). Today is his birthday, I thought I would share the video I made of him trying to impersonate Sol Rosenberg from The Jerky Boys last week. He's got the voice down perfectly. You can view it in Quick Time by clicking the link below...
I thought as a birthday present (he might be reading this since he has seen my blog addy more than a few times) I would upload my MOST favorite Sol clip... click on the turnstyle to play


Laters :)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006
So.. yeap, I snagged tickets (they weren't comp. like The Damien Rice show) to the September 2nd Staind show at Mohegan Sun. They are local boys here in Western Mass, so it's going to be a seriously amazing show for me. I'm taking my younger son, who is beyond exited. This kid is pretty lucky, because not three weeks later we will be seeing The Hush Sound, Jack's Mannequin and Copeland in Hartford. It just worked out that way, I've introduced him to so many bands, when I hit one he likes, I try and bring him to a show. Staind is one of those bands, Big Time. And as for his older brother....

We are going to NYC in October (I just bought the tickets for his birthday) to see The Drowsy Chaperone on Broadway. He is a big fan of Musicals (he's teaching me much) and had a choice of about 20 current shows to see, he chose this one. It was a hard choice for him because both The Producers and Chicago were on the list (his favorites). I haven't been to a play or musical on Broadway since my own dad took me to see The King & I back when I was very young (my father passed away when I was 15). Yul Brenner was The King, it was close to the end of his life, as a matter of fact he passed away not long after we saw him (he had originally starred in the musical in 1956!). I really can't wait.
I love spending time with my kids individually, it's a serious bonding point.
I had yesterday off, and was able to accomplish tons, I cleaned every room in the condo (except my bedroom.. that's a project in itself) , went for an incredibly long power walk, helped my aunt hook up some speakers to her humongous new TV, and came home just in time for my own happy hour. (The drinking thing is starting to become a problem, but that's another post). I wasn't alone, a friend came over.
I twisted my ankle pretty badly today, getting out of the car, my foot sort of got caught and the ankle laid flush with the pavement (the visual is perhaps worse than the actual event). It was pretty painful at first and then I felt fine. I think it is going to be one of those delayed things because it hurts tons at the moment. Hopefully I didn't do too much damage.
Oh yea and about the date the other night, let's just forget I mentioned it.
Laters :)
Monday, August 07, 2006

Some of you guys might remember last winter I came up with this Cheesecake recipe (basically a little of one recipe and a little of another, tweaked through trial & error). About 2 months ago my Aunt (who is one of many fans of The Cheesecakemeister) bought me 4 small springform pans, two nights ago I made a batch. This morning I dug in, and it was amazing, the pics above are after I took a slice. It's called Cherry Swirl. Everything is completely from scratch, even the crust.
more later..... :)
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Like Vines We Intertwine...

Saw Clerks II today.... it was hysterical. I just got home (it's 11:00 pm) because I had a date sorta, and need to get some sleep but wanted to make this post before bed. Randal was way too funny, and Wanda Sykes (of Crank Yankers fame) was just amazing. Cameos by Ben Affleck (looking incredibly well as always) and Jason Lee (not looking or sounding well at all, I hope he's ok) was a treat. Better than I expected (I mean how can you top Clerks?) but with serious bonus points for Trevor Fehrman... aka Elias. This kid nearly made the film for me. Here is a clip (for those of you unfamiliar he's the long haired guy defending the transformers)
and here is one of my favorite scenes... priceless!
Porch Monkey


I'm ready for bed, it's been an incredibly long day.


my song of the day...(perhaps of the week)

The Hush Sound

We Entertwined



Saturday, August 05, 2006
Beware of the perfect looking produce...

Apparently you can't judge a Book by it's cover any longer. You are looking at a rancid bag of lettuce and a bunch of bananas so mushy inside, they aren't fit for banana Bread. Yea kids, it's all about the preservatives. I can't believe I got hit twice from the same grocery. The bag of Lettuce to the left cost $3.99 and when opened gave off the stench of a bar room toilet. The banana's which even sport an Irish Green stem are complete pulpy brown shite inside.

I grew up in a time where you could look at produce and tell just exactly how long it had been on the shelf. What is happening? The lettuce in that bag is still crunchy for god's sake. If I had a cold or sinus condition I might not have even noticed once the dressing was poured. I am not alone, read THIS article. The poor girl almost died, and never had a clue as to why :
"She had kidney failure. She had to have a tube inserted through her abdomen and she was hooked up to a dialysis machine for 24 hours a day for about 18 days."
ugh...well apart from that today was an incredible day. My new dishwasher..

was installed (I got it from mom for my birthday this past June) I am so exited to have that humongous box out of my hallway, and he removed the old model (which worked well enough but was over 10 years old) The poor old guy fell helping me carry it out to his truck, I hope he's ok. I guess he was about 60, and hit the pavement hard. ugh...
My kids and I went to Best Buy and picked up Clerks (which I saw back in the day but my older son hasn't) Tomorrow we are going to see Clerks II This is one of my favorite movies of all time.
Moving right along, we also picked up a PSP three games, a couple earphones and memory cards. Like I said it was an amazing day... we came home and watched the DVD, which finished right around the time to take them home, I can't wait for tomorrow.
That's it for now, hope y'all had a decent Saturday...
Friday, August 04, 2006
Are we done paying yet Teddy?

Starting in July (ok so I'm a little late), you'll be seeing the cost of your land-line phone service drop a bit, courtesy of the federal government. Since 1898, the US government has collected a 3 percent tax on all long distance phone calls. This shows up on your bill as "federal excise tax," and was enacted to fund the Spanish-American War. Although the war itself ended over a century ago, the tax remained. This week, Congress and the Treasury Department finally caved in to years of pressure from interest groups ranging from consumer advocacy organizations to major corporations, and announced that the tax will end on June 30, 2006. A similar tax on local calls will remain in place for now.

"The tax was defended by the Internal Revenue Service as recently as 2005, even though litigation has repeatedly determined the tax to be illegal."

read the full article here...


I guess the tax was targeted at those affluent individuals who actually had a phone in 1898, they were primitive to be sure, like this 1896 Wilhelm Candlestick model.


Makes you wonder, how many other ridiculous taxes are we paying because nobody has noticed (well nobody from the paying population, you can rest assured the IRS isn't going to bring these to our attention).


The heat let up finally, it's in the high 60's/low 70's today with zero humidity and a comfortable breeze. Hopefully it stays this way at least through the weekend, not that I have any plans (other than spending time with my sons and possibly hitting a movie tomorrow).


I Found out yesterday my son and I are going to a potentially amazing show September 27th at the Webster in Hartford, CT. Four bands, three of which we both love.

1. Jack's Mannequin

2. Copeland

3. The Hush Sound

4. Daphne loves Derby

I can't wait to see The Hush Sound again, I love those guys, and Jack's Mannequin is fast becoming one of my favorite groups as well. I called my son yesterday and he's really exited, his brother refuses to go, I wish he would reconsider, but I don't think he will. He is pretty stubborn. We will have our time together soon, I'm taking him to see a Broadway show for his birthday in October (he's a mega big fan of Musicals, I have much to learn from him .. I mean I had never even heard of Rent before some blogger friends started reviewing the film version).



this one is NOT work safe, but incredibly funny. An unsuspecting man calls Frank Rizzo (Jerky Boys) after reading an add which offers placement in a major TV Game show. Frank is in rare form, have a listen it's hysterical..

Game Show Lovers


Have a great weekend everybody :)

Thursday, August 03, 2006
The range of temps in New England...

This is why you just have to love the Northeast, our seasons range in temp almost (and I suppose on occasion more) than 100 Degrees. The last few days have been completely miserable, luckily at work they keep the thermostat at about 65/70 (It's the IT department) and at home my two air conditioners have kept me comfortable, but in between is stifling.
I also learned looking at these pics I've put on almost 10,000 miles on my car in 7/8 months. It was new (37 Miles) when I bought it a year ago this past may so that means I had put on 10,000 in the 8 months previous to January (at least I'm consistent). I guess I am pretty much into a driving routine, apart from work and back daily, I have the trip to pick up my kids on the weekend and mild driving around while I have them. Luckily living here in this centrally located condo, I am close to any possibly necessity and much more. I wonder what the average yearly mileage is... I will have to check it out later. Now moving on to an ever popular blog topic of late..

This pathetic hypocritical motherfucker (yea this is the first time I've ever used that word here, and as you would imagine it's not so common in my vocabulary). I just can't believe this guy, no really I can't. Some will say he was messed up at a young age by his incredibly dillusional father Hutton (who is clearly an anti-Semite and all around despicable person), and that he's been battling internal demons his entire adult life by "self medicating" himself with alcohol. I've been there, I've battled alcoholism, I have said things I regret, NONE however were things I secretly didn't feel and mean, I was just "empowered by the glass" to let them all out.

and so he expects us to buy this load of crap:

"There is no excuse, nor should there be any tolerance, for anyone who thinks or expresses any kind of anti-Semitic remark," Gibson said in a statement issued by his publicist. "I want to apologize specifically to everyone in the Jewish community for the vitriolic and harmful words that I said to a law enforcement officer the night I was arrested on a DUI charge." (Watch a new apology from Gibson -- 1:30)

In the statement, Gibson said, "Please know from my heart that I am not an anti-Semite. I am not a bigot." (Read the full statement.)

Thanks CNN (read one of the articles here)

Let's not even go into the Homophobia thing, it just seems like overkill, but no wait, he saved face on that one somehow.

Ok so I went there, and as I need to be fair, this is an interesting response to Mel's alcohol induced tirades...


I don't know why everyone is in an uproar. You can't tell me the majority of the powerful in Hollywood aren't disparaging sexes or races behind closed doors or over drinks. They just haven't gotten caught. He's an alcoholic, he said terrible things, he needs serious help. He'll definitely change his ways if everyone turns his back on them - that's definitely the best example to set. Hollywood is a bunch of hypocrites that will enable "stars" to do bad things until they get caught out in the open. And then they act like they never met or liked you. Very few people in Hollywood have a right to be self-righteous.
Posted by: LSU98 08/1/2006 11:24 AM (Here is the full page)


That's enough for now, my drink is getting warm. :)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Way Back Wednesday... my teen years

Ok so in the past WBW has usually been photos & stories of my ancestors, but of late I have felt like making it more about my own past. The first two pics are from a trip my girlfriend (and subsequent wife) took to Newport, Rhode Island just after Senior Prom. I have always loved Newport, because two of the homes on display were built by Gram's distant cousins (see this post, scroll down to Gloria) Needless to say we were both 18 (being three weeks apart in age), wait we were 17, we didn't turn 18 until after graduation. The third was when we both worked at Riverside Park (Now Six Flags New England). You can just about make out my uniform collar. We were probably 19 or 20 then. How fast the time does seriously feels like yesterday...

So tonight I rented & watched Underworld-Evolution. I recently borrowed Underworld from this guy I work with, and loved it, UE is even more incredible. I guess my background in History & Genealogy may have had something to do with why I am fascinated by both of these films, and of course Scott Speedman didn't hurt either....

so I thought maybe as a bonus (I've done this in the past also) I would upload a clip of a song which for me represented my late-teen years. My Friend Danelle introduced me to this group sophmore year of high school, they had been around for a long time by then, but I fell big time. it is, if you knew me way back then I most likely would have been listening to this:

Let's go to bed


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