Thursday, August 10, 2006
Here we go again...


Things have been getting pretty messed up of late, I guess it's something like a snowball rolling down a white winter hill. Ok so that might not have been the best analogy, essentially things weren't so great a couple months ago, and now they are. I started drinking again. Truthfully I am buzzed right now, and soon to be completely blitzed. I had some setbacks, I started back with some "bad habits" and well, enough is enough. I need to stop drinking and have designated tomorrow as the day. Tomorrow I will begin again, much like I did a year ago, when I created my original blog (dryfreelean). I'll start counting down before. I've made an audio post. Click and listen if you get the chance.


Persian Guy's blitzed Audio Post


Laters :)

Blogger madamerouge said...

try not to be too hard on yourself

I only write that because I find myself being my worst critic. All the time.

Blogger Michael The Shadow said...
Well I tried to get ya tonight, but maybe tomorrow night? (let me know what time though cause I don't know what's the best time)

Event though you sound cute when you've been drinking...I'm standin with ya if you mean to quit. You can call anytime ya know? I got faith in ya too.

oh...and I love hearing your voice :)
Big Hugs to ya!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You have a great voice!

I wish you success in quitting drinking. I imagine that it won't be easy, but I think it'll be worthwhile.

Blogger Joel said...
I LOVE your audio casts. Dont' feel bad about your lapses..we all go through it with our own vises...TRUST ME...I KNOW THIS! Anyway, I for one am GLAD as hell you are back to blogging.

Blitzed or not, I love to listen to you. I know that you can easily get yourself on track again. It just takes working at it a little.
I'm really glad you're back, too.
You're a super duper guy!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey hey...

I forgot how sexy your voice is. You've done it before, so I've got complete faith that you'll kick the habit and get back on track.

Glad to hear everything else is going well. Take care...let's talk soon.

Blogger Sam said...
You have a great voice. Sorry for my delay I am catching up on Blog reading and havent had much time lately. Im thinking about you and hoping you can kick theuice and I will be right with you struggeling to do the same and it isnt easy for me at all. It cant be harder than being a good Dad and you have that one figured out, so I am sure you can pull it off.

Blogger Kalv1n said...
Honestly, you don't sound that drunk. Hopefully the stuff with your sun will just get better and better.