This pathetic hypocritical motherfucker (yea this is the first time I've ever used that word here, and as you would imagine it's not so common in my vocabulary). I just can't believe this guy, no really I can't. Some will say he was messed up at a young age by his incredibly dillusional father Hutton (who is clearly an anti-Semite and all around despicable person), and that he's been battling internal demons his entire adult life by "self medicating" himself with alcohol. I've been there, I've battled alcoholism, I have said things I regret, NONE however were things I secretly didn't feel and mean, I was just "empowered by the glass" to let them all out.
and so he expects us to buy this load of crap:
"There is no excuse, nor should there be any tolerance, for anyone who thinks or expresses any kind of anti-Semitic remark," Gibson said in a statement issued by his publicist. "I want to apologize specifically to everyone in the Jewish community for the vitriolic and harmful words that I said to a law enforcement officer the night I was arrested on a DUI charge." (Watch a new apology from Gibson -- 1:30)
In the statement, Gibson said, "Please know from my heart that I am not an anti-Semite. I am not a bigot." (Read the full statement.)
Thanks CNN (read one of the articles here)
Let's not even go into the Homophobia thing, it just seems like overkill, but no wait, he saved face on that one somehow.
Ok so I went there, and as I need to be fair, this is an interesting response to Mel's alcohol induced tirades...
I don't know why everyone is in an uproar. You can't tell me the majority of the powerful in Hollywood aren't disparaging sexes or races behind closed doors or over drinks. They just haven't gotten caught. He's an alcoholic, he said terrible things, he needs serious help. He'll definitely change his ways if everyone turns his back on them - that's definitely the best example to set. Hollywood is a bunch of hypocrites that will enable "stars" to do bad things until they get caught out in the open. And then they act like they never met or liked you. Very few people in Hollywood have a right to be self-righteous.
Posted by: LSU98 08/1/2006 11:24 AM (Here is the full page)
That's enough for now, my drink is getting warm. :)
Oh, that wasn't the topic?
Oh yeah, Mel! He's got to do some serious offloading of mental shyte before he's gonna be successful at staying off the sauce.
I think he needs to get in touch with his inner gay jew.
I think Mel Gibson is a jerk.
Mel Gibson is just trying to save his career due to the amount of influential Jewish people in Hollywood. If he had said the same about Muslims would they be in such an uproar? HE is a jerk but so is the majority of hollywood.