Monday, August 07, 2006

Some of you guys might remember last winter I came up with this Cheesecake recipe (basically a little of one recipe and a little of another, tweaked through trial & error). About 2 months ago my Aunt (who is one of many fans of The Cheesecakemeister) bought me 4 small springform pans, two nights ago I made a batch. This morning I dug in, and it was amazing, the pics above are after I took a slice. It's called Cherry Swirl. Everything is completely from scratch, even the crust.
more later..... :)
Blogger The_Gay_Dude said...
OMG....that looks so good....wish u could email me a slice :)

Blogger Michael The Shadow said...
I'll be there in 5 minutes! ;)

Even though I'm trying to eat healthier and watch the weight, that look SO friggin good!

Blogger Polt said...
Wow, looks delish! i gotta be careful though, being diabetic and all, I'm certain it would raised my sugar level just by being in the same room!

Course, that wouldn't prevent me from eating a piece of it. :)


Blogger Sandouri Dean Bey said...
looks good :)

Dude, I'm seriously impressed. Do you deliver?

Blogger Steve said...
Diabetes be damned! Looks delish!

Blogger Kiss My Mike said...

Blogger Monogram Queen said...
I am VERY picky about cheesecake however that looks fabulous! Mmmm

Blogger Kevin said...
I'll have 3 please.

But for some reason, that last pic makes me feel dirty.

Blogger Scott E D said...
You know what I'm thinking.

Blogger Donald said...
I'll put on the kettle and make some tea. Looks delicious!!

Blogger john said...
Looks extremely yummy.

Blogger Kalv1n said...
There is something very soothing about making things from scratch. If I had made it, I don't even know if any would have made it to the aunt.

Blogger Sam said...
That was not even fair. I havent even been thinking about Cheescakes. Great now I am screwed!