Monday, December 31, 2007
What I was listening to ....
When I was 12....
any of you remember Adam?



Funny most people my age barely remember him.. and what they remember is that cheesy mainstreem crap "Goody Twoshoes"
Sunday, December 30, 2007
completely miserable...

I have small ear canals, had constant Ear infections as a kid, they tried everything even tubes. They removed my tonsils and adenoids when I was like 8, but that didn't help much.
Every few years, as long as I have been an adult, I have this problem which happens when wax builds up. Usually in the summer when I swim a lot. Essentially I wake up one day and can't hear out of one or both ears.
I can only take this so long, a trip to CVS for one of those Peroxide kits has never done the trick so I end up at the Doctors. Each time they go on and on about how they can't get it out, it takes hours and usually they manage to remove the block.
Christmas I started to feel I was losing hearing in one ear and knew what that meant.
I couldn't take it anymore, and yesterday (Saturday) I went to the Emergency Room.
Typical 4 1/2 hour wait before I was even seen, and then this (rather incompetent in my opinion) Nurse decides to stick one of those ear light proby things in my ear, which served to push the wax in deeper. She did the same to my other ear, and as a result I cannot hear out of that one now either, brilliant!!
So I get there at 1:30, and they see me around 5:30. They have me lay on my side and pour this solution in my ear and leave me there 30 mins. She comes back, "irrigates" my ear and can't get anything to come out. Next she tries Peroxide (not diluted either, the straight stuff which really burns I found out after 30 mins), still she can't get ANYTHING out.
They tell me then (It's about 7pm at this point) that I need to see an Ear Nose Throat Specialist, and that they have never seen such a wax blockage. Great, 6 hours of hell and not only is my ear still blocked, it's worse and now thanks to the idiot nurse my other ear is blocked as well.
Ya know we are raised in this country that when we are really in need of medical attention (I now have a fever and am beginning to get dizzy, not to mention I can't hear anything) that the emergency room is the place to go when our doctor's are not open. Can you imagine knowing that they can't even help you? I am totally frustrated, and yea, miserable.
Friday, December 28, 2007
This is really exiting!!!

Are YOU or do you know an adoptee born in Massachusetts before 1975??
December 5th, our Deval Patrick (our Governor) signed into state law an amendment allowing full access to your original birth certificate. I happened upon this via a genealogy website I follow. I am an adoptee, and was born in Massachusetts. While I found my natural parents on my own when I was 20 (you can read the story here:
Never the less I will be writing for a copy of my original birth record as soon as I get home from work tonight. I never thought I would see the day this would happen, so... spread the word.
Here is an official link to Chapter 109 of The Acts of 2007
Here is a link to the page you will need to read/download to obtain the records:
Obtaining your original Massachusetts Birth Certificate (un-certified)
(under the word Documents, center of the Page)

Paris Hilton loses inheritance

July 30, 2007 02:16pm

Article from: The Daily Telegraph

PARTY princess Paris Hilton is $60 million out of pocket after her billionaire grandfather - appalled by her jail term for drink-driving offences - axed her inheritance.

Family patriarch Barron Hilton was already embarrassed by his granddaughter's wild behaviour - notably when her home sex video was leaked on the internet.

But the 79-year-old considered her 23-day sentence last month the last straw.

"He was, and is, extremely embarrassed by how the Hilton name has been sullied by Paris," says Jerry Oppenheimer, who wrote a biography of the clan called House Of Hilton.

"He now doesn't want to leave unearned wealth to his family."

Hilton senior, the only member of the family left with a sizeable stake in the huge hotel chain, has let it be known that he intends to donate to charity the $2.4B he will gain from this month's sale of the company to private equity firm Blackstone.

The money will go to the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the charity set up in the name of the founder of the family business.

I know most of hate the Paris Hilton headlines... this one tho, I didn't mind reading so much.
Kudos to her grandfather, not wanting to leave "unearned" money to his heirs.
There is nothing (in my opinion) which makes us value money more than if we have earned it ourselves. In her case, she will be fine of course, her celebrity and all it entitles (despite protests from people who despise her") will ensure the woman never starves, and lives better than many of us can even imagine for the rest of her life.
But still... things won't come as easy perhaps for her in the future and will begin to grow up. Funny by the time I was her age (26) I had already been married 4 years and had two sons.
Happy Friday!
Thursday, December 27, 2007


me: Hello

Asian Collections Agent: "Hello, is this Mr. ******?"

Me: "Sure, I can be anyone you want me to be baby. You sound hot, are you Asian?"


I mean what do they expect when they call someone at 11:00 PM after *cough* a few....
I was all ready to get all Frank Rizzo on her if she persisted. I sorta feel jipped.
so glad the week is almost over (even though I have to work Saturday)
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Had a pretty decent holiday... hope you guys did also.
Got lots of toys & $$$, which is very cool...
going to use some of that $$$ to buy

I've beaten every Zelda thus far (had this really cool promo-disc for Gamecube which had every game except Windwaker (I had that already anyway). Maybe I'll go get it tonight.
Christmas Eve I spent wrapping, cleaning and cooking
Christmas was spent with my kids at Mom's... too much food, but fun times. We watched old VHS videos I made in the 1980's when I was like 13/14 with our Camcorder. My kids got to see what a goober I was and also were able to see my grandparents (both gone), family pets, the birth of one of our horses, and how young we all were... once.
Ya know back when I was a kid I had that Camcorder thing attached to my hip, I filmed everyone and everything despite having to run away from relatives and friends yelling at me to "turn that damn thing off" or "I don't want to be on film". Ha... now they are all so happy I didn't listen. Moments of time captured for an eternity, let's not even mention those who are no longer with us, brought back to life in full animation, a dimension photographs just can't quite relay.
We are going to transfer most of the 20something Tapes to MPG format, and I will be posting some here (I am sure everyone is thrilled about that!!)
I am sure you all read about this. It was interesting to read the comments posted on this story.
You have your group who feels no compassion for the man mauled to death, nor for the other two young men nearly killed. They make the point that the animal was taken out of the wild, caged up, and merely acting on it's own primal natural instinct.
Then of course there are the people who belittle the lost life of The Tiger. Some even cite Bible Verses (which I find amusing) proclaiming Man's superiority over Beast.
My initial reaction (being human and all) was to feel horrified and disturbed, somewhat relieved they shot and killed Tatiana the Rare Endangered Siberian Tiger. But ya know, the more I think about it, and read ... the more I feel for her.
I'm torn.
How about you...?

Sunday, December 23, 2007
Something old, yet relevant to think about...
Many of you will start watching this and shut it down after a minute or so...
Some of you will grasp the implications of The Late Shah's message
Some of you who watch more than a minute will dismiss him as a paranoid nutjob..
If your inclination is to dismiss his interview, then I ask you to evaluate just why you feel the way you do. I am very interested in your opinions, please post a comment.
Thanks, here is the video.

Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
I'm addicted to

In case any of you guys are not familiar, this program takes an mp3 and creates a ringtone for your cell. The cool part is that you import the mp3, then pick the 35 seconds you want to serve as your ringer. You know how when you buy a ringtone (for $2.99) from let's say Sprint and it's never the part of the song you want? That problem is over. I've already filled my available space a few times, it's so much fun to use. The program sends the finished file right to your phone via satellite. Everytime I get a text message now Borat announces he's "King of the Castle".
In other news...
I am soooo broke right now, and haven't even started Christmas shopping! I have to do that Friday night (payday). Fun Times. I always wait until the last minute (not just Christmas shopping, it's my MO, since I was a kid). Something about the weekend before Christmas tho, when you walk into a store or mall, it just feels so much more like Christmas then let's say November. Plus my budget is so tight that spending money on gifts during the year would probably make me fall behind in my condo fees, electric bill or cell.
I have $4.72 in my checking account at the moment and a quarter tank of gas.
but I did bring lunch today so at least I can eat.

(well at least I am current with all my bills at the moment, most likely the reason I am broke)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

well, all I can say is that it sure looks better on her than Joan Rivers. :)
Question: (reply in the comments)
What do you think is worse (in Hollywood), being criticized because you look old, or being criticized because you have gone under the knife a few times....
I'm curious what you guys think.
A meme....

I stole this from The Best GLBT Canadian Blog (for those of you who don't know who Tornwordo from Sticky Crows is... check him out)
The 10 Things Meme
1. When you were born, how much did you weigh?
8 Pounds 6 ounces

2. What's your sugar poison?
Are you kidding?

3. If you had to choose between meat and cheese for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Then be specific.
Hm... while I love Cheese, I don't think I could survive without meats like Chicken, Turkey and Pork. I haven't eaten Red Meat now since 2001.

4. What, in your opinion, is the worst song ever?
Yikes there are so many... the first that comes to mind is that horrible song by Smash Mouth that starts with "Hey now you're a rock star..." *ehk*

5. Who was your favorite teacher growing up and why?
My 6th Grade History Teacher Mrs. Casal. She was 80 years old and had a green tint to her hair. She was also brilliant and probably was one of the first teachers who sparked my interest in History and Genealogy.

6. What personal activity, when performed in public, bothers you the most?
Spitting on the ground. Something about it makes me wanna gag.

7. Ok, there's a $50 bill lying on the ground. You pick it up. Dumbfounded by your incredible luck, what do you selfishly purchase?
I would run to Bestbuy and pick up Legend of Zelda, Twilight Princess for the Wii. I wouldn't think twice, it's been on my mind.

8. Do you have a recurring nightmare?
two in fact. The first is falling into (or near) water and being attacked by a giant shark. I have had this nightmare regularly since I was a kid. Sometimes months go by but it always comes back. The second nightmare which I often have involves falling off a building or into an endless hole.

9. Name one place on Earth you've never been, but vow to visit at least once.

10. You notice that question #9 wasn't really a question. You feel smart for catching such a small detail. What else can you do really well that reminds you how smart you are?

I suppose my research skills, specifically my experience as a genealogist.
saw this last night....

The theatre was completely packed (odd for a Tuesday night..)
I really enjoyed the film. Will Smith was amazing as usual, and the plot/storyline fascinating. I haven't yet seen "Omega Man" (the book/film this is said to have been loosely based upon) but now I am going to make a point to rent it.
New York City, 2012. A Viral cure for Cancer gone haywire.
Apparently one uninfected human left..
That's all I'll say... Go see it!
I was doing the whole "hand over eyes" thing throughout the film.
Way Back Wednesday ....
(Pictures from my childhood)
This goat didn't look too pleased with my advances.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I've been seriously slacking (yet again) here...
My New PC arrived... so I've been busy playing games(3G Ram, Quad Core, 750G HD)
I am seriously thinking of removing Monopoly Here and Now from my PC. It keeps drawing me in for hours... not good.
Today we are having a huge smorg here at work, I brought my "famous" Cherry Swirl Cheesecake. My co-workers don't give me a choice. I guess this year I have competetion....



Mothball Maryanne has decided to take me on...


I say bring it ...


more later

Monday, December 10, 2007
My son's new video
He's just 13... pretty amazing
I took him to see Weezer (his first show ever) when he was just 11 ....
Saturday, December 08, 2007
couple new developments....
My Dell XPS 420 will be here in 3-5 days
750G Hard Drive 4G Ram, sweet ass sound and video card...
I am completely stoked...
oh and my bumper is fixed (earlier post)
and as a bonus had the front bumper fixed and the car detailed
seriously it's like new...
I guess that isn't such a big deal since the car is only 2 years old but still..
I was feeling really down lately since my car got damaged and both my tower (I am on the laptop right now) and my external drive failed within a month of each other...
let's not even go into the still being dateless and single now for like 2 years..
Here I am just now next to my xmass tree... (yea I look really stupid)
I'm wearing the amazing cap Vuboq made for me

my sons helped my decorate the tree ...
How Kool is THAT???
I swear everytime I walk in and see it I think of them and this big ass grin comes over my face. Makes it so incredibly special, especially in this incredibly lonely world I live in. Yea okay enough of the wallowing...
thought I would share a video of one of my favorite artists...
got the chance to see him back about 4 years ago in Northampton
Bright Eyes (Conor Oberst)

Have a cool weekend

Saturday, December 01, 2007
The kids and I saw AWAKE....
It wasn't so bad...
I mean if you can get past the open chest inerds exposed stuff...
(I covered my eyes more than a few times)
but still....

Hayden Christensen


on another note ... my buddy Rey Rey got me hooked on this new band...
seriously, check out Madina Lake

That's about it...