Thursday, October 12, 2006
crazy co-workers :)

I overslept today, no I mean really overslept. I missed breakfast and rushed around (which is not so wise when you have a broken toe) the Condo trying to get ready. I stuffed my lunch in a bag, grabbed my keyes and ran out the door. I was starving. Usually I will have either Raisin Bran or Grape Nuts, a hard boiled egg and even on occasion Oatmeal. No time for any of that today. Yea ok so I passed two McDonalds and a Dunkin Donuts on the way in. No thanks to either, plus I'm late at this point.
I arrive at work, punch in (non-Salaried employee here) and then swing by the Operator to pour myself a cup of Coffee, my stomach is grumbling at this point. As I turn the corner, I catch a glimpse of the most breathtaking cheesecake I have ever seen sitting right there next to the Coffee maker, a welcoming knife lay by it's side. It had the most intricate top made of apples, brown sugar, crumbs & cinnamon, with streaks of caramel drawn carefully across at points.


A co-worker was busy cutting himself a slice from this majestic piece of culinary artwork. The inside revealed a thick graham cracker under crust, obviously crushed by hand. I could not believe my luck today and, brushing him (the co-worker) aside I grabbed the knife and portioned myself a huge slice, which I placed on a paper towel (no plates provided) and limped back into the MIS department where my cubicle awaited.


Sitting down, I turned on my PC, retrieved a plastic fork from my desk and carved out a large chunk. I was practically salivating in anticipation. Into my mouth it went, and then my half closed eyes shot wide open...."It can't be" I thought to myself, swallowing slowly I took another bit from the slice and once again placed it in my mouth. "Yea, I thought so, Fucking "Mothball Maryanne". I snatched a piece of paper towel, quietly wrapped up the remainder of the cake and deposited them both into the basket beside me.

There is a older lady who works two offices away from my own. Her name is Maryanne. She likes moth balls, a lot. As a matter of fact Maryanne protects not only her clothing, but the contents of her cabinets and refrigerator. Everything that comes from Maryanne or her home wreaks of Moth Balls. She wreaks of moth balls, Spring Summer Winter & Fall. She also is an avid baker, and often brings in brownies and cakes for all to share. This was the first Cheesecake I've seen her bring in. Five other people threw theirs out as well. I'm still hungry.

Happy HNT :)

(very lame & uncreative today I wasn't in the mood)

Blogger Monogram Queen said...
Okay i'm wiping away tears of mirth. Sorry ... Mothball Maryann... ..... .....

Blogger Polt said...
Mothball maryanne...heheheh....

HNT..lame? no. uncreative? Maybe. Hott as all get out! HELL yeah! Damn sexy legs...nice boxers...what's not to love? :)


Blogger Sandouri Dean Bey said...
sorry about the mothballs dude. that's a damn shame. what's also a shame is that you don't hook up more with thighs like that :)

Blogger Kelicious said...
OMG This is cracking me up. On the subway today all I could smell ws STALE mothball funk. It was so bad I could hardly breath. I finally figured out it was coming from this little, and I mean about 4'5'' little, chinese lady in front of me. The worse part is the train was so packed I couldn't even move. I think she bathed in them.

Ewwwww, what a horrifying thing to do to an innocent cheesecake.
And the photo is awesome, one of your hotter efforts.
Everything about it is hottt.

Blogger purpletwinkie said...
Eeewwww! Mothballs! Yuk.

The upshorts photo made up for it though :)

Blogger Benji said...
even if the cheesecake was gross, your HNT pic sure was tasty, lol...

Blogger Kalv1n said...
That is so nasty...but now you won't have to worry about being eaten by moths.

Blogger Doug said...
Awww....a shame that such a delectable-sounding cheesecake would turn out so horrifying.

Um, about your HNT pic. HOTHOTHOT! You have awesome legs. I'd love to massage them.

Where'd I put that frackin' flashlight?!

Oops...sorry, got a little out of control there.

Blogger joey said...
Oh you poor thing. Ugh. That would turn me off of cheesecake for a long time!

Blogger Unknown said...
I did that yesterday, i couldnt get out of bed...ugggh!

Blogger dirk.mancuso said...
Mothball flavored cheesecake, huh?

Um...I'll pass.

Blogger Michael The Shadow said...
Oh dear god! Jesus that sucks. Well I hope that you at least were able to find something later to eat that didn't involve mothballs! (and how do they keep their little legs apart that long anyways?)

My biggest fear is oversleeping cause I'm the one that opens the shop. Bad news if I'm late!

Talk to you soon buddy. *hugs*

Blogger Phoenixboi said...
OMG! lol... mate you crack me up!
..oh and ure HNT pic is always hot.. never not.

Blogger Joel said...
NOTHING lame about that! I have been wanting ti do HNT again but I have lost my camera...silly me!

Blogger steve'swhirlyworld said...
I was anticipating that first bite more than you...YUK! I'm going to make dinner now...I'm starving.

Blogger Jim said...
Sick, a mothball-flavoured cheesecake. I think that counts as terrorism :)

Blogger Mikey said...
That is as funny as the Mr. Bean incident. All I will say is capital H, capitol O and a capital T.

Blogger "W" said...
As a previous poster said...YUCK on the mothball cheesecake...

YUM YUM...those legs are made hot hot pic of you and the boxers.

*licks lips*

Blogger tornwordo said...
Very nice HNT.

Blogger madamerouge said...
-what ^ he said

Blogger daveincleveland said...
mothball cheesecake has always been a favorite of mine....and happy belated HNT...nice pic....much better than the cheesecake.........have a good one..........:)