Which nappy headed ho do YOU think is the bigger racist?
I am not so sure...
I am the first to agree Imus deserved to be canned. I was not familiar with him or his show until this story broke. At first listen it sounded like that McGirk fella started the ball rolling, and then Imus was trying to be "cool" and follow suit. He chose the wrong words certainly if "cool" was what he was aiming at, and now he will pay (and is paying) the price. I feel sorry for the old fool. His career is possibly over, and I am convinced that if those words he so foolishly blurted out equated in his mind to something like "nigger whores" (excuse my use of that word, I am trying to illustrate a point) he would definitely have not uttered them. However he did, and his lack of caution (given his position) was to his detriment. Just my two cents.
Wouldn't it be lovely if somehow somebody outs that freak Sharpton? I mean look at and listen to that guy. He reeeeks of something, he is a wolf in sheeps clothing, I just feel it. I also know that evil is eventually exposed, and that piece of shit is going down someday, just like so many other "holier-than-thou" hypocrites of his ilk have in the past.
moving right along....
I have some news (good or bad depending on your perspective)
This is my final blog post.
Persian Guy is going once and for all.
The only mistake I will not repeat (this time) is to delete my blog. It will stay up indefinitely. I have been blogging now close to two years, some of these posts are filled with experiences and exchanges I just can't remove, not without great regret and remorse. I learned my lesson last time. I love all the amazing people I have met through blogging. Each and everyone on my sidebar is special to me and I will be stopping in to check on you all as I get the chance (life has turned mad hectic of late). So I guess it's more of a "seeya round" than a goodbye.
Be well, take care of yourselves.