Friday, April 13, 2007
you be the judge....

Which nappy headed ho do YOU think is the bigger racist?
I am not so sure...
I am the first to agree Imus deserved to be canned. I was not familiar with him or his show until this story broke. At first listen it sounded like that McGirk fella started the ball rolling, and then Imus was trying to be "cool" and follow suit. He chose the wrong words certainly if "cool" was what he was aiming at, and now he will pay (and is paying) the price. I feel sorry for the old fool. His career is possibly over, and I am convinced that if those words he so foolishly blurted out equated in his mind to something like "nigger whores" (excuse my use of that word, I am trying to illustrate a point) he would definitely have not uttered them. However he did, and his lack of caution (given his position) was to his detriment. Just my two cents.
Wouldn't it be lovely if somehow somebody outs that freak Sharpton? I mean look at and listen to that guy. He reeeeks of something, he is a wolf in sheeps clothing, I just feel it. I also know that evil is eventually exposed, and that piece of shit is going down someday, just like so many other "holier-than-thou" hypocrites of his ilk have in the past.
moving right along....
I have some news (good or bad depending on your perspective)
This is my final blog post.
Persian Guy is going once and for all.
The only mistake I will not repeat (this time) is to delete my blog. It will stay up indefinitely. I have been blogging now close to two years, some of these posts are filled with experiences and exchanges I just can't remove, not without great regret and remorse. I learned my lesson last time. I love all the amazing people I have met through blogging. Each and everyone on my sidebar is special to me and I will be stopping in to check on you all as I get the chance (life has turned mad hectic of late). So I guess it's more of a "seeya round" than a goodbye.
Be well, take care of yourselves.
Blogger Lemuel said...
OH NO! Say it is not so!

I am SO sorry to hear that, but I assume you must have your reasons. I will miss you and your blog. I think you have my email. Please keep in touch.

Live long and well!

Blogger Steve said...
I got sick of hearing about the whole Imus thing rather quickly. I'm no Imus fan, but I'd like to know why - when he went on Sharpton's show - he didn't say something like "So Al, you understand how this can be. Everyone knows how fun it is to smear feces on teenage girls and tell them to say that white men did it. That's always a good time. But people got hurt. Remember? You went a little too far, but it worked out for the best. People got over it. We can look back and smile." I'd also like to know if there was an election and both Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were voted into some sort of office and they are now the official 'go to guys' on everything race oriented. Arrgghh. Sorry about the rant. I'm also sorry to see you're giving up the blog. I've enjoyed reading all this time and enjoyed meeting you even more. Keep in touch... we'll miss you.

Blogger daveincleveland said...
dude i really understand where you are coming from, i will miss your blog, havn't been a really good blogger lately due to home and son situations, but you have my e mail and drop me a line anytime buddy
love ya

Blogger Polt said...
I was gonna comment on the Sharpton thing, but I'm too distraught by your announcement. I understand this is what you need to do, I don't condemn you for it. BUt man, you're gonna be missed. I did love reading your blog, and hearing from you.

I;'ll check back, maybe only once a week instead of every day like I have been. And maybe, in a little while, they'll be something new here.

Good luck, best wishes. I love you man.


Blogger ryan charisma said...
All I have to say is:

If Dr. Dre had produced what Imus said - it would have won a grammy.

Blogger Michael The Shadow said...
I hate to see ya go buddy, but I know how it is.

Hopefully I can still get ya through email and calling.

Big hugs to you my friend!

Blogger Doug said...
Jim, I hope you'll feel like dropping in every so often. Take care of yourself and all the best. *hugs*

Blogger potusol said...
You know where to find me : )

Take care kiddo.

Blogger Stephen said...
Hopefully this definitely be more of the seeya around than a final goodbye. I understand where you are at, I've been there, in fact just recently, I was on the fence again and thought about deleting the blog and fading back off into the unknown but thought better of it for the time being. I will update when life permits, maybe you will do the same. Drop by the Closet for a visit from time to time, email if you need a friend to talk to. (((hugs))))

Blogger dirk.mancuso said...
I really hate to see you packing it in; your blog has been a favorite for a while now.

I can, however, understand. From your experience(s) and the recent developments over at Spider's, I am also rethinking the blogging venture. It's a scary world out there and what started out as a light and pleasant little diversion can come back to bite one in the posterior.

Much luck in everything.

Take care of you. Big hug.

Blogger Patti_Cake said...
Take care of you and yours and i'll check back to see if you post from time to time! Come see me in Patti_Cake Land!

Blogger Mikey said...
Take care my friend and hopefully this is not the last we will hear from you!!

Blogger Rey Rey said...
I keep coming back, hoping that your proclamation that this would be your last post was just a transient thought, but that still isn't the case.

Best of luck to you, my friend, and big hugs. I hope, one day, we can run into each other - either accidental or planned. You've been a great friend, Jim, and always so supportive. I hope I've been some semblence of that for you.

Take care and keep listening to great music and keep exploring life and what it has to offer.


Blogger Joshua-Myles said...
Al Sharpton has made many Antisemitic comments in the past. Calling the kettle black I see. Whatever, this country is going to stay they way it is unless the finger pointing stops and open dialog is achieved.

Aside from that, my little Persian pommegranate I wish you all the best. You owe me a kiss. I will collect someday. Peace and keep in touch.

Blogger Darin said...
be well...and be safe.

Sharpton and Jackson are both rabid antisemites, and have been quoted making slurs many times.

I understand. The scrutiny you've been under, and the pressure of your work has made it very difficult, I know.

I'll miss you. Please promise that if your life calms down, you'll give us the occasional post-it note, ok?
hugs and a smooch,

Blogger madamerouge said...
There is a certain hypocrisy in firing Imus for something that would earn Old Dirty Bastard extra record sales.

Peace. Thanks for the memories. Do drop by once in a while (blog and Toronto, if you're ever up).

Blogger gayborhood gringo said...
sorry to see you go, but you gotta do what you gotta do. take care and be well babe. your blog will be missed. :)

Blogger Doghigh said...
Wow. Didn't expect to see this announcement when I stopped in.

I've been privileged to get to know you a little in the last year plus and have much respect and admiration for you. I will miss you.

Best of luck to you always, Jim!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sad to see you going. But I guess I can't talk, being such a sporadic poster in the last year....