Wednesday, November 04, 2009
It's been a long while...
I can't believe how long it's been since I've last posted. I toyed with the thought of deleting this place.. but I always decide against it. I've been mega busy lately too... huge lawn project, joined a gym and go three times a week, still settling into my new house. It's been a year already since I bought it. Being a first time home owner things are starting to happen which sort of serve as an indicator of what's to come. Things break, calls have to be made, newish kinda bills have to be paid etc. I'm learning...
Like I said I joined a gym (two months ago)
Not only did I join a gym I hired a trainer three times a week..
If u ever feel like u wont be motivated with a workout routine.. Hire a Trainer! Wow.. it's amazing. You just have to show up and he tells you what to do, tracks your progress, increases intensity.. It makes a huge difference to me. Last Gym I joined, I was always sort of pulled toward the Tread Mills/Eliptical Trainers. Those bizarre looking weight machines were kind of intimidating, especially when you try to teach yourself how to use one in front of about 20 other people standing around. I have a real "I look like an idiot" complex in those situations so yea.. it's great to have someone who knows what they are doing actually show (and tell) you how to use them. Now I even go on my off days and get on them like a pro.
And wow is my Trainer Cutt... and friendly!! He loves to give me pointers and his own unique methods of building up for outside the gym.
What else.. oh yea ... I bought a Shed yesterday!! It has a "hip roof" just like my house and the siding will match as well. Now I have a place to store my Deere.. and my 2 car garage can actually fit two cars again
hmm... what else..
still single.. i've been on a couple dates these past few months, when I can fit one in. Nothing earth shattering, I actually made a couple new friends. Dating can get kinda exhausting, especially with a hectic life like mine. I used to enjoy it a lot more lol
well back to work, I am on third tonight. The normal guy has the flu, which seems to be running rampant around here.
Adios for now
Blogger Doug said...
It's good to hear from you! I'm glad you didn't delete your blog.

Nice to hear some good feedback about your personal trainer, cuz I'm in school to get certified as one.

Good luck with all the house projects and the dating. Both seem like never-ending projects sometimes.

Blogger DanNation said...
It's great to see you here. I don't post as much anymore myself - but glad DanNation is still alive and well (and you, too!).

Blogger Jim said...
It's good to hear from you again. Good thing too that you decided not to delete your blog.

I know what you mean about being busy. And now you're also a home owner. So of course you have different priorities.

In any case, glad to hear you're well. Have a great weekend :)

Blogger daveincleveland said...
glad you didn't delete...always like to hear whats going on in your life...sounds really busy..thinking about the trainer thing myself...really need to motivation .....last couple years have sucked and gained some weight i am not happy about...glad your ok

Blogger Ur-spo said...
I heard tell (while surfing) you were back in the saddle as it were.
I was glad to hear you were posting again, and getting your news.

Blogger JM said...
happy new year
jm from paris

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Glad you are leaving up your blog. Good luck for the future.