Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Big E

aka The Eastern States Exposition... (click on the image above to enlarge)
The largest New England Fair
held annually on the 2nd to 3rd weeks in September (17 days)
My grandfather began selling cigarettes there in 1957 with 30 Cigarette Machines scattered across the entire park.
In 1967 he decided to open a Cigarette Booth. My mom (a recent newlywed) and her mother-in-law (my recently passed Grammy) worked the booth. I was not born yet (my parents adopted me much later) But I found a picture from the first year it was opened. The two women are my mom and my gram. I don't know who the elderly gentleman is or the guy with the pipe are, I will have to ask my dad's sister about that.
In other news...
Today (September 14th) is my birthmother's birthday
I tried to call her and wish her a Happy Birthday
Both her cell and home phone are shut off
I'm really sad that I couldn't leave her a message wishing her a happy bday

I also wanted to tell her I am moving (right now she lives across the street)
The day I met her for the first time..
oh well..............
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How interesting about the cigarette booths. That's kind of cool. Can you even sell cigs like that anymore?