*crosses fingers*
According to my recent Purchase and Sale agreement (signed with 5% deposit) I can back out of everything if I am not pleased with what The Inspector finds.
reeeeeeeeely love this property
only issue I forsee is that the basement might have some mold
My mother has a list two pages long, but then again, she is not buying the house
HUUUUUUGE fight tonight with her over it
I keep trying
Finally I told her that it is MY money, MY decision and IF I buy this house she better not act any different toward me or my new home. She has no right to. (I still think she will)
Wish me luck with the inspection...
My condo is officially listed tomorrow morning... signed the papers tonight.
Every cent from the sale of my condo (minus Realtor commissions) I can pour into the new house for betterments etc. My Gram and Aunt bought me this place 3 years ago, when they were selling the house I lived in (a rental property they owned).
I'm thinking garage with apt above and inground pool...
I need to get cleaning.
:) Laters
I'll keep my fingers crossed that all goes well with the inspection.