Monday, April 28, 2008
Hey :)
I have soooo neglected my blog of late...

This weekend my son asked me to go see this newish musical on Broadway...

tonight I got us tickets for the June 21st Show... 2nd row isle!
Blogger Doug said...
You take your kids to the best shows!

Hope things are well with you. *hugs*

Blogger Steve said...
Good to hear from you and hope you have fun at the show!

Blogger Ur-spo said...
I hoped you would return. I peridocially stop by hoping to see a new post; don't stay away now.

Blogger daveincleveland said...
nice to see you back.....hope all has been well ...hope you have a great time at the show....hugs from cleveland

Blogger Doghigh said...
Wow - I was shocked to see an update! But then I see that there hasn't been one since :-(

Hope you're well!!!