My Aunt and I met at the funeral home to make the arrangements. It was a long very tedious process selecting everything from the prayer cards to the casket. I then picked up my sons and we headed out to buy suits. Luckily we found a place where they can be (alterations) ready for tomorrow, as the wake is Tuesday night. This will be the first funeral of a loved one for my younger son, while his older brother has already been to a few.
The impact of Gram's death upon my kids is minimal, as would be expected since they never really knew the Gram of my youth and early adulthood. The woman who I bonded with ever so much as a 15 year old losing his dad, who was her only son. As I said we are a very small family. Gram was a very private person, who did not wear her emotions on her sleeve. When she hit her mid Seventies she began to decline as a result of slowly progressive dementia. They knew her during this time.
She adored them, and even to the very end had no trouble recognizing their faces (which says heaps) and would to spout out a story about their earliest days. There were few she remembered toward the end, and to me this is a clear indication as to just how important her two great-grandsons were to her.
I need sleep....
you will need some strength.
this is never an easy time; and there is so much to do too!
I haven't read blogs in ages and am just learning of your gram's passing today.
As everyone has said...take solace in your memories and be sure to take care of yourself.