Saturday, January 05, 2008
rough night...

Gram passed away tonight... I held her hand for 6 hours right until the end.
She isn't suffering anymore
I like to remember her like this... from just a few months ago
things are crazy right now
Blogger Unknown said...
Oh kiddo I'm so sorry - I know you two were very close.

Take care of yourself - you're in my thoughts.

Blogger Lemuel said...
My heart and thoughts go out to you in your grief! From reading your blog over the months, I know how much she meant to you. May your good memories of your time together with her, the gifts of life and love and laughter that she gave you, remain alive in you all your days and be a comfort to you at this time. HUGS!

Blogger Tom said...
I'm sorry to hear that. Remember all the good. Stay strong and be well.

Blogger Miladysa said...

Blogger Doug said...
I'm so sorry. *hugs*

Blogger Ur-spo said...
sad news indeed
i am sorry

Blogger Steve said...
Awwww, I'm really sorry about your loss :(

Blogger Monogram Queen said...
I am so very very sorry! I know how you loved your Gram. How wonderful you were holding her hand right up until the end. Hugs.

Blogger Polt said...
I am so very sorry. But I know it meant a lot to her that you were there with her until the end. Did that with my dad last October...

My deepest sympathy goes out to you.


Blogger daveincleveland said...
big hugs from cleveland, i am so so sorry and my sympathies go out to you and your great is that that you got to spend her time together before the end.....that happened when my mom passed away and i will forever cherish those last hours with her
love you buddy