Thursday, November 01, 2007
Wait it's Thursday....Happy HNT
Anonymous Anonymous said...
HNT? Oh, no! Well, I felt half-naked doing my presentation at the 4th quarter sales rally today. Had to make a big impression on the division manager since I'm in the running for a District Sales Manager position.

Oh, well, I missed it. Happy HNT, buddy!

Blogger Unknown said...
good to *a-hem* see you again! LOL! (actually it was good just to read a post from you, HNT or not)

Blogger daveincleveland said...
oh dear jim how i have missed your happy hnt days........good to see you again..........

Blogger Stephen said...
Very nice .......just enough skin to entice and making us want more.

Blogger Polt said...
Nicely next time, instead of pulling the sweater up, you can pull the jeans down. :)

HAPPY HNT (on Saturday)...