Tuesday, November 06, 2007
my kids....
This video makes me so proud :)

older son on vocals, younger son on Guitar
aren't they both amazing?

Blogger Rey Rey said...
Wow, they do Johnny Cash really well!

Blogger Lemuel said...
Can't imagine why in the world you'd be proud of them. :) (Very nice!)

Blogger Miladysa said...
Having problems playing it but I managed to hear a little and I agree, they are :)

Blogger Polt said...
I LOVE Johnny Cash!!! You have every right to be proud.


Blogger Phoenixed said...
Mate.. they have grown up so much! Great to see you have 2 great kids :)

Blogger Doug said...
That was great!

Blogger steve'swhirlyworld said...
They sound great - what a deep voice! wow. They seem to be great kids - you should be proud.