anybody use this (type) of stuff? What I am talking about is Protein powder. For the last 2 months I have been running and working out religiously and also maintaining a very healthy lean diet full of protein (meats/eggs/fish etc). Everything seems to be going pretty well, I am seeing really quick results, but not everywhere. My chest of course is the most frustrating area of all. A fellow blogger friend saw the first shot of my weekly workout progress blog and suggested I get some Whey-Protein powder to build up muscle. Currently I am not eating enough to sustain my workout and have been losing weight instead of gaining muscle. At 6' 145 I could really afford to bulk up a bit. I am trying to figure out the best
Protein Powder to buy. Anyone have any suggestions??
I started
another blog (we'll see how long this lasts) which serves to document my progress through weekly photographs (as did my blogger buddy).
In other news my
temporary veneers (the permanents are being applied Monday) fell off twice in the past two days...
grrr I am soo sick of eating mush, oatmeal, puddings and jello to avoid shifting them. I guess they intentionally apply them weakly so they can be easily removed later.
Yikes this post makes me really sound vain.. (which I am not I assure you, it's just everything is happening all at once)
oh yea and ...
Happy HNT :)
And, irt your HNT pic, I did laundry yesterday! WOOT.