Thursday, May 31, 2007
disturbing yet funny...
Thursday, May 24, 2007
saw this last night....
If you haven't seen it (or read the book) you should.
The end may cause you get a little teary eyed, but in a good way :)
This film made me think about a few things.
When it comes to relationships I have a pretty sketchy history, and I always seem to have jumped out when things got tough or was easily distracted by someone/something "better".
People are quick to throw out the "don't settle" advice but perhaps there is a point where we all must settle. Nobody will perfectly fit the mold, and as we develop relationships and time begins to reveal that which may not have initially been obvious, sometimes we run, feeling that anything less than a perfect connection
The sad part is that all too often people learn this lesson too late (or sadly, never at all). I just hope that I do not fit into this category. The older you get the more of a challenge it is to meet new people. I don't go to bars anymore, am hardly ever in chat and blog less frequently than I ever have. The few people I have met of late I grew tired of quickly, because it was obvious even at the start we had no common base to work from. I mean you have to enjoy someone's company and look forward to seeing them right? It isn't the same thing as accepting and working through diversity is it?
I get pretty lonely sometimes, when my family and friends aren't around and there is that empty space. I have been trying to fill it with some of my hobbies, like genealogy, concerts, going to movies etc... but they seem more like a band-aid than any sort of remedy. I don't mean to say that I am unhappy, my life is pretty full for the most part. I have two amazing kids, a wonderful and supportive family, and even a close small group of friends I can call day or night to talk or vent to. It's just that I am beginning to wonder if my singledom is somehow subconsciously self-inflicted.
ok so downer post...
I am at work and sweating profusely. Our AC died here and it will be Wednesday before we get the replacement installed. It is right now 84 outside and 81 in here. I am going to go home and take a cold shower. So glad I turned my AC on in my room for Suede, she would be roasting if I had not.
1 1/2 hours left -- I am sooo glad tomorrow is Friday :)
Sunday, May 13, 2007
amazing weekend....

yeap we saw it Saturday ... been waiting soooo long for it to finally come out.
My heart didn't stop thumping madly until about 20 minutes after I left had the theatre.
Good stuff :)
Today is my son's birthday. Had mom & step-sister (neices in tow) over for some pizza and cake. My sons introduced them to the Wii, and everyone soon moved to their room here. It was heaps of fun. They really were loving the part where you design a character, head to toe, even the eybrows! My son was trying to make one of me but couldn't find the connectabrow option. I love this picture of my mom, two sons and two neices. It is funny how the blurring happened. For some reason my shutter stays open to allow enough light in, it reminds me of how taking pictures back 100 years ago must have worked. If someone get a blur.

I snagged tickets (for my son's bday) to The Warped Tour 2007 at Mansfield.
we are mainly going to see The Almost & Hawthorne Heights (ok and Valencia)
*side note*
Rey Rey ... my son freaked when he saw your (company) name on the back of his Hawthorne Heights CD. I have been telling him about you for a while now, and the package u sent a couple months back I shared with him. U rock buddy. :)
sooo that's it. Well for today anyway. I am not sure what I am doing back here (apart from the fact that I miss all of you guys) so let's see how long it lasts.