Thursday, March 01, 2007

I was tagged by Mista Steve for this Meme....
It's called 4 truths and a lie ... you have to guess which of the following is not true.
1. My grandfather's mother hacked my her husband to death with an Axe in 1921.

2. Even though I began College immediately after graduating High School, and maintained Full Time Status (officially) and incurring the cost of full tuition, it took me 15 years to finally complete my Bachelor of Arts Degree.

3. I have visited every (formerly termed "Western") European country except Norway, Finland & Greece.

4. My adopted mother has been married 4 times to date, and currently resides in Vermont.

5. I am distantly related to Anderson Cooper.

There you have it, now try and guess which of the 5 above is not true. :)
S10 156
Blogger Polt said...
I'm going with number 4 as the lie. Just cause it's so mundane and seems to be the easiest to believe it's true.

I LOVE the 4 truths and a lie!

Blogger Lemuel said...
As I've said on all the others, I suck at this, but I'm going to guess #1 - primarily because I hope it is not so.

Blogger potusol said...
I'm going with #4, it just seems SO unlikely. : )

Blogger VeryApeAZ said...
I'm going with #2. It's just too expensive to do that.

Blogger TigerYogi said...
I think that you have done this meme before, and while the list is new, based on reading your blog, I suspect that #3 is the lie...

Blogger Joshua said...
I'm guessing #3. I know you've said that you've seen more of Europe than the States, but it seems the most logical. Being related to Anderson Cooper also means that you are distantly related to the Vanderbilts. Somewhere down the pike, I remember you talking about this. Either that, or it's dejavu. I don't know LOL.

Blogger Steve said...
Hmmmm. You're a pretty interesting guy, and I guess I can see all of these being true, so for grins, I'm going with #1.

Blogger pdxprofessor said...
i'm going with number 2, even though it's entirely possible that it might be true. but 15 years is a long time to pay tuition.

and hey, whatever happened to HNT? i have to say that i *loved* it.


Blogger Mikey said...
I am going with number 3