Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I'm still having heaps of issues with posting comments on so many of my friend's (that means YOU!) blogs. When is this going to end?? I even switched over my video blog profile to Beta this morning and tried using THAT to post comments. Still the same issues. So if any of you Beta people out there are wondering why you are perhaps not receiving any comments, it's because none of us can, unless you go anonymous, which I have resorted to at least three times.
Lemuel , Gayborhood Gringo & Donnie I can't post comments on your blogs. Grrrrr....

Working second shift for two more nights ..
My boss was rushed to the emergency today so I had to come in two hours early
so given it is way back Wednesday ...
here's where I was one year ago today ...

sitting outside The Brazen Head Pub in Dublin.
It's the oldest continuously operating Pub in the whole of Ireland.
It has been in operation since 1198. Check out the official Flash site.
guess that's it for now, I so shouldn't be blogging given I'm at work.
one last thing .. this song I can't get out of my head. It's from a band I am not all that into called The Starting Line. I saw them as openers for All American Rejects a few months back and the crowd was super nasty when they came on. There were people yelling at the top of their lungs insults such as "you suck" and "get off the stage" yet this kid (the lead singer) never played on like he could hear them. He just kept playing and talking to us all in the most positive tone. Honestly I didn't care much for the performance until this song. It is all about ignoring the haters and the critics and just playing on ...

It was the best performance of the entire show (all 5 bands included)
Lyrically it is amazing, if you can read between the lines and hear his message...

(The Starting Line)
I've been waiting for good news
Words to continue singing these ones
To the same demographic
Be it not perfect
Let it be heard by those taking an interest
Not for the critics holding their ears

Gonna get ready
Gonna get ready

I've been waiting for answers
Dancing in circles, making me sick
I've been chained like a tiger
To hundreds of liars all holding hands

Gonna get ready
Gonna get ready

Now I'm calling all the time
All I wanted was a little bit
Of time for me to try, try to get up
I'm gonna get up
All they wanted was a little bit of time for me
To clear my head, to clear my head

Gotta clear it up
I'm calling all the time
All I wanted was a little bit
Of time for me to try, try to get up
I'm gonna get up
All they wanted was a little bit of time for me
To clear my head, to clear my head
that's it for now ..
S4 156

Blogger Mike said...
I like the green too, but it still looks nice in the grey.

RE: Blogger Beta. There is only one way around it. EVERYONE must get off blogger. Of course, I don't see that happening any time soon....

Blogger Joshua said...
I'm having issues, also - especially blogger beta! I like both of your new template pictures!

Blogger Doug said...
Green or gray, I love your new pic.

That song is awesome! Glad he sang it through the nasty crowd. People can really suck sometimes, making the good ones shine all the brighter.

Blogger Rey Rey said...
Luckily, I haven't changed to the Beta version... I just keep hearing horror stories about it...

And the Starting Line are one of those lesser bands that have one or two good songs but can't seem to get off the ground, so I know what ya mean about them. And yeah, that's the song that I really like from them too. Ya got great ears, Jim!


Blogger john said...
I have not been able to comment on some friend's blogs too!! Really annoyed right now.

Blogger steve'swhirlyworld said...
Hating the blog posting thing as well.

That's a great pic Jim - you've got amazing eyes.

How much have you changed in the past year? I love to have those times to reflect and think about how much I've done in a year.

Blogger Ur-spo said...
i too am burned as bacon with beta blogging...

Blogger Lemuel said...
Ditto Ditto. Blogger sucks and then they are self-congratulatory about it!

Thanks for the song. I see it as inspiration.

Blogger Steve said...
Holy Crap! I remember that picture. It's already been a year since then?

Blogger Unknown said...

thank you, I feel so much better now - you may return to normally scheduled programming...