Monday, December 11, 2006

I am seriously considering taking a break from this place for a while.
Or possibly posting just a couple times a week when the mood hits ...
Do any of you find that an unhealthy portion of your free time is spent blogging?
I've posted nearly every day since July of 2005 and there are often mornings (of late) that I sit in front of the PC drawing a blank, as if I have nothing interesting to write. Then it occurred to me that perhaps the well has run dry, and I need to start paying more attention to the "real" world and less to this virtual semblance of one.
I began blogging over a year ago as an anonymous vehicle with which to record my brief daily routine/activities/events & sort of "organize my thoughts" (see my earliest surviving posts to understand what I am talking about) How it has evolved into this place is very much a mystery. Don't get me wrong, it's been a wonderful experience, and I have met some of the most amazing people with whom I would never have had the opportunity to interact otherwise.
maybe it's just the funk I am in ..
I've been going through a rough spot lately, drinking perhaps more than I should (what else is new) getting little accomplished apart from blogging (if that can be considered an accomplishment) and in the interim feeling this overwhelming sense of loneliness and depression. It has been said that this is the time of year many people sort of drift off into sadness and reflection, yet I have to ask myself why is it I am struggling? I have two wonderful children, a decent home, apart from some very minor bills my finances are in order ... but still..
In any case (as if I need to spend more time in front of this PC!) I joined this amazing forum online where thousands from across the globe battling anxiety, depression, alcohol and substance abuse come to share their experiences, ask questions and open up their lives so that perhaps they (and others) will benefit. It's a wonderful site and I am certainly glad I found it.
I could really use a hug right now ... *sigh*
maybe I should switch gears then and change the subject ..
I've just started (yesterday) reading Desperation by Stephen King. There are only a handful of non-fiction authors I typically follow, and thus far he's hooked me with this title. I can't put it down honestly. Pick up a copy if you haven't already. It isn't new (1997) I purchased it at the airport in London last year while waiting for my flight to board and ended up forgetting by liftoff. Actually I can rarely get into a book in-flight, I'm usually a nervous wreck. :)
One last thing .. and it is fairly rare that I am so completely thrown into contemplative confusion over a post, but if you have a moment, please take a look at this incredibly well written, thought provoking essay which was featured on Best Gay Blogs, the work of Backward Spiral and entitled :
"So you want a white wedding do you?"
The post brings out some very compelling points to light from the standpoint of a Gay man opposed to Gay Marriage. I was riveted. I suspect you will be as well, no matter your opinion. I also see he has no comments which saddens me given the strengths of his position and the ease with witch he presents his argument.
and now... yet again it's time for Monday's
Pick your favorite Persian






and this poor little guy needs a shave!
Have a great Monday :)
S2 157
Blogger Lemuel said...
I think a lot of bloggers has these feelings from time to time. I do not think you need to feel that you need to blog every day. I will enjoy your posts, as I have, whenever you do one.

As for HUGS? Kum here vonzt! (as we say in "dutch" country) Have I got a HUG for you!

And while I'm at it, I throw one in for Persian #3, too!

Blogger TigerYogi said...
I agree with Lemuel. No pressure for you to blog every day. That's why I do so many Bollywood Hunk days, because I haven't a thing to say! Take a break if you need one, we'll still be here! :)

P.S. Yee Gods, what a motely looking crew this time! I guess #3 is the best of the bunch!

Blogger vuboq said...
*big hugs*

I can't decide between #3 and #4. Can I vote for 2?

*more big hugs*

Blogger Steve said...
There's nothing wrong with taking a break, or cutting back on the blogging/computer thing. Just don't up and disappear! Oh yeah, I've spied that Stephen King book on one the bookshelves at our place. Lemme know how you like it and I may pick it up and read it, too. Hope you're having a good week.

Blogger Lulla said...
Definitely # 1!
I enjoy reading your posts everyday, but if you need a break I think you should take one (but not too long hehe)

Blogger Unknown said...
#3 - hands down!

And I would LOVE to give you a hug right now! If you need to take a break, take one! You will be missed but we will be here when you get back.

You need to do what YOU need to do for you and your boys...

Blogger Joshua said...
First of all - sorry you are in a funk, but am glad you see it and are doing something about it!
AS far as the entry on BGB. I saw it, but don't agree with it, hence no comment. If one wants to intellectualize gay rights go right ahead. If one wants to say that marriage is an archaic institution, go right ahead. But none of us are going to change institutions in our lifetime. And the bottom line is that marriage equates legal, monetary, and ownership equality with our heterosexual counterparts. Does it suit our way of living? Probably not. But we can't change thousands of years of traditions. We can only try to find a way to be equal with it. We are entitled to the same benefits as straights. Once we have our foot in that door - then let's start the intellectualizing :) That's my humble opinion - coming from a 50 year old who wishes to see equality in his lifetime. That young man can dream all he wants, but that kind of thinking ain't going to accomplish anything for gay rights :)

Blogger Mikey said...
You have to do what you feel is best for you. Blogging does take up a large amount of time. I am doing less lately and it is working for me. Take care my friend and no matter how often you post that will not change.

Blogger Tay Hota said...
three and (((((hugs))))))

Blogger ryan charisma said...
I vote #3

He looks like if he got angry he'd be hot in bed.

Hurray for hot in bed!

Blogger Mike said...
I've long been of the mind that if I have something to say, I'll post. Sometimes this means two or three posts in a day. Sometimes this means one post in a week.

Regular readers will not turn you off if you only post once a week. If they do, they were not regular. Or loyal. So screw 'em.

Remember, you are supposed to be blogging for you - not them. If you think you are blogging for your readers, you may as well ask for an entry fee. And any one that insists that you post more often should start paying you.

Blogger purpletwinkie said...
There are no rules to blogging!! You do what you want/need to do. You have a blog for yourself, not for others.

Blogger steve'swhirlyworld said...
#3 - that's way too easy

I understand the blogging thing - my take on it is do whatever you're comfortable with, but know that you could have much unhealthier habits. I think this is a great way to keep in communication with others. I think what you're feeling is very normal - if you're down for several weeks, then you'd probably want to look into it. I had a REALLY bad Saturday, but Sunday was better - look for trends.

We care and I'd miss you if you checked out for good.

Blogger Benji said...
#3, but #2 is close.

as for the "break," yes, i had to do it myself. but i'm still not "over" the frustration caused by our peer... and i really don't have time to be profound with school...

Blogger The Persian said...
lemuel: Yes I've seen it over and over again in the blogger world. I deleted my blog once, not because I was ready to, but rather because my young son found it and was posting negative comments. If I have learned one thing from the experience, it is that I will probably not really ever exit the blogging world, just that it's perhaps time to slow down, take a break, etc. Thanks for the hug!!

tigeryogi: Good idea (the hunk days) I may just start something similar. I don't think the Persians are so bad this week, they just need to smile.

vuboq: 2 is a great choice, thanks for the Big Hugs :)

steve: I need to cut back yes, that's about it. Oh yes, read that book!! I'm loving it.

lulla: Hey, thanks for the comment, I'm glad to hear you come by and read sometimes! I will have to check out yours as well.

spider: #3 seems to be the most popular today, I can see why. Thank you for always being so sweet buddy!

joshua: Oh I don't necessarily agree with him, but I do think he makes quite a compelling arguement. In all honesty your comment makes a lot of sense, and I agree with your point. We have to look at the whole picture, and as well take whatever avenue necessary to achieve equality in all walks of life. I appreciate that you took the time to spell it out as aptly as you have. *hugs*

mikey: It is my own fault, perhaps I spend more time than I can afford to and that is the problem. I notice that you have been posting much more infrequently, I hope that is working out well for you!

tay: Thanks for the hig, I felt that!:)

jeepy: Or post less frequently, which is most likely what I'll do.

ryan: LOL Hurray indeed!!!

mikell: And I think that is that is exactly what I will do in the future (post when I have something to say). I'd like to think I blog for myself, that is why I have barely missed a day in all this time, it (in some strange way) keeps me organized. I can't explain it. That is why my subject matter may often appear boring and personal. Thanks for the comment, I'm really glad to see you here!! I admire you heaps btw.

purpletwinkie: I've been around long enough to know there are no rules to blogging, but it would be naive to suggest there isn't a certain level of exposure we as bloggers enjoy (literally).. it's what in fact is so often exiting about this, sharing yourself and your experiences with others. I ask you this, if you knew there was not a soul out there reading your blog or that it was somehow private and blocked, would you in fact post with the same passion? I am not chasing comments, but it makes me very happy that people take the time to read what I've written and give me feedback, just as I'm sure they are when others do the same.

steve: another #3? And you are correct I could easily have (and probably do) much more unhealthier diversions. I've just had a rough couple weeks, I'll get through it. I'm glad you are doing better yourself!!

benji: You are one busy guy, I'm surprised you have a second to blog at all!!

Blogger Polt said...
I'm gonna say #3.

Blogger Ur-spo said...
I crow with the chorus;
bloggin should be a fun thing, not a drain.
A stressful job is one thing but a stressful hobby does not make sense.
Post when you will; the blogworld won't dry up if you put it down for a while.

Blogger M- Filer said...
#4 Definetly. Although #3 has hot lips.

I know what you mean. I am currently on sabbatical. Mostlybecause of technical difficulties with blogspot and a vacation I just took, but I think I may extend it a bit.

I love your blog and will continue visiting as long as you write. Taking a break to recharge is an option for us all I think.

Not to preach but just to share my experience: Alcohol can cause depression. I gave up alcohol and drugs 4 years ago and have not been depressed since. A crazed lunatic sometimes, but rarely to never depressed.

Hope you feel better.

Blogger Claude said...
#3 looks ALOT like Dave Annable for that tv show Brothers & Sister

Blogger Michael The Shadow said...
You'll always have a hug waiting from me Jim. Even if I am a bit far away right now. I'm in "the funk" myself. And that's when I go and hide.

Reguardless, you are a most amazing man and don't you ever friggin forget that! Maybe a little time spent away is what's needed. I feel rather tied to the computer myself sometimes. But I'm here for you, waiting, and will be.


Blogger madamerouge said...
Do any of you find that an unhealthy portion of your free time is spent blogging?

Hells yeah. I can't keep up. Something's gotta give.


Blogger matty said...
Only blog when you feel like it.

And, take care. Take a deep breath and remember that, as dark as things may feel --- they always get better. Hang in there! ...and try to find ways to make yourself laugh. That's important.

And, never be afraid to reach out to a friend if you're feeling too down! Never!

And, I think you're the hotest Persian!

Blogger Phoenixboi said...
The most important thing is that you start to take care of yourself and do it in anyway that you see fit to do. If it means taking a break then do it, if it means blogging more then do that... as long as you realise that there are people that care about you and want only what is best for you.


oh and Number 3

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Big Hug!!!

And I hope you keep blogging, but regain the balance between blogging and real life. I have recently realised what an addiction it can be, but also what a warm feeling when people care about things I write.

Do what makes you happy,

Cheers, Paul

Blogger Polt said...
BIG POLTY HUGS coming you way!

Blogger Rey Rey said...
I'm late to the party (I've been doing a lot of work with the band Bayside - I'll have to send you a copy when the album's done in two weeks... they'll become your new favorite band. I promise!), but I agree with everyone... so much so that it mirrors my blog-activity these days. I used to write every day. Now I'm finding more and more DRAFTS and half ideas in my Blogger account, and only publish them when the urge strikes. I'll be honest... it sucks when you start losing readers and virtual cheering section starts to die down.

But then a different kind of impulse sets in... and a true desire to espress yourself gets released. Once you take that break and disappear for a little while, you'll find yourself WANTING to write... and at the end of the day, that's what this is all about... a selfish, yet self-less desire to express yourself in a way that's untainted and untethered by outside influences.

And yeah, #3.

Big hugs... xo

Blogger Rey Rey said...
I'm late to the party (I've been doing a lot of work with the band Bayside - I'll have to send you a copy when the album's done in two weeks... they'll become your new favorite band. I promise!), but I agree with everyone... so much so that it mirrors my blog-activity these days. I used to write every day. Now I'm finding more and more DRAFTS and half ideas in my Blogger account, and only publish them when the urge strikes. I'll be honest... it sucks when you start losing readers and virtual cheering section starts to die down.

But then a different kind of impulse sets in... and a true desire to espress yourself gets released. Once you take that break and disappear for a little while, you'll find yourself WANTING to write... and at the end of the day, that's what this is all about... a selfish, yet self-less desire to express yourself in a way that's untainted and untethered by outside influences.

And yeah, #3.

Big hugs... xo

Blogger Unknown said...
#3 by far!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I hope you feel more better today :)
Well, we all seem to go through this, huh? No worries either way. Take a breather, at least.

Blogger Donnie said...
Unless you make a living blogging, you shouldn't do it everyday. It should only be looked at as a sideline activity. Take a break, maybe that's just what you need.

Blogger gayborhood gringo said...
this should be something you do becaue you enjoy it and want to. if you need a break, take one. we'll still be here when you get back.

Blogger Doghigh said...
Hi babe. And I REALLY hope you feel better...I'd miss you a lot!!! But if you must take a break...please do what is best for your self.

Thanks for the point to that blog entry. He is obviously passionate about his case but still it does not take into account many variables...people with children, couples wishing to adopt children (being gay, as you well know, does not preclude one from wanting to be or already being a parent), people who cannot afford the legal cost of setting up living trusts, wills, etc. that circumvent the need to marry, the desire to assimilate into mainstream society (without losing identity - its possible - and frankly what many Stonewall-era veterans were fighting for) and recognition that while marriage started as a religious institution it is now a government one...those of us in favor of marriage rights are looking to change the legal definition NOT the religious definition (there is a distinction).
Also his entire arguement is based laregely on sex. While I recognize the importance of sex and the need for each couple to define it in their own way it is not, IMHO, the sole defining factor of a relationship or individual. Anyway many heteros and homos have entered into marriage with their own set of rules as to what is and what is not acceptable so it doesn't necessarily even equal repression, in the end.

And does he have to be "against" marriage rights just because he doesn't believe getting married is what gay people should do? Shouldn't that be an individual's choice? If the wind blows right I could be slightly offended by that...

I'm rambling here.

Anyway as a married fag I wholeheartedly disagree with him...but I do respect his passion and willingness to share his opinions and take the "road less traveled".

Thanks again for sharing!!

Blogger Doug said...
you blog for you,
we'll be here when you do,
I'm sorry you're feeling blue,
here's a hug or two.

*hug* *hug*