Monday, September 04, 2006
another Video Post (yea ..don't hate)
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If you get frustrated, just click on the picture below. It will play directly from my server.

Blogger The Persian said...
Terry: thanks buddy :) You aren't so bad yourself *wink*

Castor: Yea I've been back a while. I'm glad you found the blog. You are and always have been pretty special :)

Blogger Will said...
You have a great broadcasting voice. I'm glad you've decided to you Tube some of your blog posts.

Blogger Kalv1n said...
I'm glad to hear that the concerts went well and that you had a good weekend, and you do have a nice, deep voice. I'm so jealous.

Blogger Michael The Shadow said...
Geez, that doesn't sound boring at all man! Sounds like you had a great weekend is what it sounds like :)

Now, I haven't checked out Posiedon only because I remember the original and I'm not sure I want to see a remake of it. Kinda how I felt about Texas Chainsaw and I hated that director and movie (they also messed up the remake of Amittyville Horror for me). But Silent Hill? Yeah, there were some draggy places but it was so cool to see one of my fav videogames done up pretty well ya know?

And damn it...Terry got to tell you first how cute you are:) I'm jealous hehe.

Big Hugs to ya, I'll try and call you soon!

Blogger Sam said...
Glad you had a good concert going and with your boy. Thats memorable stuff for soemoen to share with his dad. I have to admit i like teh videos, not more than your writing, but thrown in with here and there.

Blogger daveincleveland said...
jim, great post, so good to have you back, have missed you, glad the concert was good, and yeah, you have a sexy sexy voice and should go into broadcasting......:)

Blogger Jefftexas said...
I agree-Silent hill was a tad slow, I liked the special effects.

The vid posts are great-Hope you have a great week, Jeff

Blogger purpletwinkie said...
Alright, I watched the second video and you are as cute there as you were in the first ;)

Blogger Phoenixboi said...
Im looking forward to you getting more bored so I can watch you again ;) call me selfish...

Blogger S said...
Yay yay Persian guy is back! WITH Videos