Monday, July 31, 2006
The restoration....


I am starting to restore my blog posts , selectively at the moment (there are 320something stretching back to July 16th of last year). Blogger is giving me serious shite this morning with images, I had to upload this one to my server and then html it in manually. Oh well, can't look a gift horse in the mouth (corny but true). Ugh I hate Monday's....


S1 162

Blogger The_Gay_Dude said...
At least you have the gumption to figure it out....and the patience to complete the task!

Blogger Monogram Queen said...
Blogger is a HAB this morning, I hate Mondays too. We should start a club or something... :)

Blogger Michael The Shadow said...
I can't believe you painted that! That's amazing!! ;)

Let me tell ya though, I think it was just a case of Monday taking a dump on most people today...well that's how it felt at work for me hehe

I never thought of saving the code and entering it manually! That's brilliant. To me the art is what makes the post work. If I can't get the right graphic, a lot of times i just do a different post. That's so cool.
And dude, I don't know if anybody told you, that dude in the painting, his eyes follow you around. and he looks just like you too. Cool, huh?

Well maybe like you if you had been living Really hard.

Is this you dressed up for Halloween again?

Blogger Steve said...
For the longest time, I had a problem with Blogger photos, too. Lately, it seems to be OK. It sounds like you have your work cut out for you. Hope you're doing well.

Blogger Polt said...
Yeah Blogger and photos were NOT getting along this morning. Took me an hour and half to get TWO photos posted to one post. Then I left the computer until this afternoon, and everything seems okay now. At least FOR now....

Blogger Jim said...
Ouch, manual HTML coding?

Hey, what happened to the fun triple Jim-image header? I liked that one :)