Monday, July 24, 2006
Not the perfect beach least for swimming

the sea was very rough... off the deck
the beach was dead because of overcast skies and huge waves then the tide started to come in..
and in ...

until there was almost no beach left..

so a lot of people took to the club called The Ocean Mist for drinks and dance (not me of course). This place is pretty popular in Rhode Island, even hosts to Sublime and The John Cafferty Band among others. I haven't been there in a couple years, even tho it is right down the shore from my mother's (I took this pic from her deck).


We had a decent weekend, despite the crazy weather. The ocean was wild, insane in fact and the sun barely showed up twice (and not for long). Fortunately one of my 2nd cousins was down with his kids (who are the same age as mine pretty much) and they formed a brat pack keeping themselves pretty occupied while my parents visited neighbors and I watched TV, trying to ignore the waves hitting the window behind me. It was pretty relaxing, the kids had a blast and that is really all that matters.


Yesterday I taught my son how to use the Video Camera and we headed down the hill to the public beach where he filmed a small clip of me getting soaked by a wave (which damaged my cell phone's still not working very well). The night before the surf was so strong that it lifted a huge life guard chair up, carried it a considerable distance and planted it upside down beyond the shoreline. It's a short clip, but a large file. Click below to watch...

(click pic to play, or right click to save)
I have today off (yay) and am going to try and get some cleaning, laundry done (ehk). Tonight I'm taking my older son to see Damien Rice, which I am sooo looking forward to. We'll head down about 4:30 (it's an hour drive) and hit their incredible Buffet first. I want to pick up the tickets as early as possible to get decent seats. It's a Casino, so there will be little for us to do besides eat and walk around, otherwise I'd be down there by Noon to get the best tickets.
Sometimes when you have two kids, one is the more dominant personality and the other loses a bit of your attention as a result. It just happens for some reason, and I can't wait to spend this one-on-one time with him. We have a lot in common, and my mom tells me that he is exactly as I was at his age, right down to the expressions he uses. It's strange because my gram, Aunt and mother tell me I am exactly as my own father was, his spiritual clone so to speak. I get pretty sad sometimes that my Dad foolishly ended his own life and never had the chance to know his grandchildren. They would have loved him.. but I guess everything happens for a reason ( hehe sorry Jr.) .
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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Glad you all had a good time despite the weather! It's good to hear that your relationship with your older son is better these days!

Blogger Polt said...
Those are you kids? Man, I would never have guessed. I mean, you're pretty lean, and somehow i had you pegged as not a big guy, so I was expecting smallish, petite little guys! Hehehe, oh well. I towered over my mom from age 13 on so i guess I shouldn't be surprised, eh?

Glad you guys had a good time. Glad your relationships with them both are going well.

And even if it wasn't the BEST weekend, hell, it was a weekend at the beach. Right along the beach. And you didn't have to stay in a hotel! Count your blessings, man. :)


Blogger Donald said...
Not the greatest weather, but at least you were at a beach and with family.

It sounds from your tone that even though you had to go to plan B, it was still a good time just being with ones that you love.
I really love the determination you show to be "present" to your life and everyone and everything in it. I just think that's so cool.

Blogger Sam said...

Blogger Kalv1n said...
I'm so intruiged because this all seems so different than some of the last things I heard from you. I'm glad that you seem to have had a good time. Hopefully things will continue to be on the up and up. Hope your day off was productive as well.

Blogger Joel said...
Good quality tiume with the kids is always a good time! The video was cool. Who was narrating?

Blogger Kiss My Mike said...
cool video!

nice to see you back to blogging jim. welcome back.