Monday, May 29, 2006

Happy Memorial Day everyone, and let us not lose sight of it's purpose, to remember and honor the selfless sacrifices which so many men and women have gallantly made in the name of this great nation and its people.
Blogger Kalv1n said...
I so rarely think of this holiday as anything but bbqs and beer. Thanks for reminding me.

Blogger Michael The Shadow said...
Thanks for the post today because, I think a lot of us (myself included to some extent here) are just happy to have a day off....and we forget why we're getting the day off.

Love ya buddy :)

Blogger S said...
I always get so torn at these holidays...celebrate sending our young men out to be killed? I have a real problem with that....

Send our troops home! NO more war!

(OK Cant resist PG, cuz, ya know...)

Dont forget Tori quiz...will be too difficult for all but the experts.....

Hows my favorite Persian guy? I hope it was a good day full of love and friends.

Blogger Steve said...
Nice, to the point post, Jim. I hope you had a good holiday weekend.

Blogger BriteYellowGun said...
They've already lost sight of it down here. Our kids actually had to go to school!!!!

Blogger Unknown said...
Happy Memorial day, I hope your weekend was a good one!

Blogger S said...
Sometimes I feel like it's "no open toed shoes night" at PGs place! LOL

PG its only 8:30 am PST but you are in the lead with Aerik yet.....beware!