( My first birthday, Nonna holding me)
My Adopted Father's mother...
(Gram & I, age 14 and the half shirt was from my Dad..ehk what a geek I was)
My Biological Father's mother..
(my two sons and my biological Paternal Grandmother)
would you believe THIS was her as a child?
My Biological Mother's mother..
(I was 20 here, ehk not that smile again)
(I just love those three pictures of her and my eldest son)
My Dad, Great Grandmother & I (I think I was 4 or 5) sunlight damage to photo
(My Great-Grandmother & I (at 12 going thru a geeky stage)
They are all gone now except my Gram (my Adopted Father's mother) and strangely enough I was close to all of them. I am so very lucky not only to have known them all, but to have each as such a positive and loving influence in my life. The first to pass on was my great grandmother (1989), followed by my beloved Nonna (1990) , biological Maternal Grandmother (1995) and then biological Paternal Grandmother (2000). Next week it will be a grandfather tribute.
So.. here is a question :
How many grandmothers have you had in your lives?
How many are still with you?
(Yea I know two Memes in two days, but I would love to hear your stories if you care to share)
Laters :)
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Posted by Persian Guy :: 2:01 AM :: 28 Comments (this is a re-post)