Mornin'. Yesterday was pretty kool. Got Tori Amos tickets for the Wallingford, CT. show Aug 16th (a week from tuesday!) this will be the 11th time Ive seen her, but the 1st since 2003! Really exited about it. Breakfast today was a can of chunk turkey with chive seasoning cooked and seasoned. Really great after my morning workout. I don't do the can thing very often, its usually boneless chicken, but this morning I was lazy and its still high in protein low in fat. And no carbage of course. The crunching and free weights are really starting to work magic after all this time (Jul 04) I have been away from the daily workout. Back then it was a lot more intense, but that will come again. I think today or tomorow makes 3 weeks without alcohol or carbohydrates. (Sep 17th was the last day). I am so awake right now..must be the workout rush.:) laters